So I was talking with a buddy about ridiculous things you could do with a 2nd FOC and we came up with the idea maximizing Deffrolla Battlewagons. As we all know, in 6th Ed you can double your FOC at 2000+ and when you double your FOC, you double your Deffrolla Carnage.
So let's take a look at a couple of options for pure ridiculous Deff Rolla fun!
BEEP! BEEP! Oh my! Sorry about that! |
It's worth noting that in order to take the maximum amount of Deff Rollas, you need to play at at least 2750. Also, the concept is to get as MANY Deff Rollas on the board and in doing so you need to make all Orks bare bones with no upgrades. We're not here to chop, we're here to roll!
HQ/Troop - 960 pts.
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Elite - 1080 pts.
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Heavy - 710 pts.
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint
Note: You can easily drop this list down to exactly 2500 by deleting 2 Heavy choice Battlewagons and dropping all Grot Riggers from Heavy choice Battlewagons. Also, you can exchange all the grot riggers for x1 big shoota per battlewagon for the same cost. It really comes down to what you're playing against and personal preference.
Note 2: This list can easily be bumped to 3000 by dropping the Grot Riggers on the Heavy Choice Battlewagons adding x2 Dakka Jets with Fighta Ace/Red paint/3rd TL Supa Shootas
List 2 is my personal favorite. Granted, you're only putting 10 Battlewagons on the board (ONLY?!) but you're getting SIX Boom Guns. You're going to have left over points when you a build a list like this so that's why the Boom Guns have red paint and RR. Hey, you never know when you're going to need to move around a building or through the just never know...
HQ/Troop - 1020 pts.Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
Warboss, shoota (free)
3 Nobz (Troop)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
Elite - 1170 pts.
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
3 Nobz (Elite)
Battlewagon - Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger, Kannon, x1 Big Shoota
Heavy - 810 pts.
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x1 Big Shoota, 'Ard Case, Grot Rigger, Red Paint, Reinforced Ram
Note: Another option is to undo all the Red Paint and Reinforced Ram on your Looted Wagons and give all the Nobz in the HQ/Troop section TL Shootas.
Well, there they are. A couple ridiculous lists that will either destroy your world or crumble like paper. This would be one hell of an expensive theme and might be more fun with cardboard cutouts/proxies. All in all, I think the psychological mind-eff will be enough to scare most opponents. It is incredibly overwhelming to look across the table and see 16 Deff Rollas or 10 Deff Rollas and 6 Boom Guns. It's enough to make a grown man cry. I have no doubt that it can be handled by appropriate lists or master tacticians, but it's going to leave a trail of blood and guts a long the way.
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