Monday, May 5, 2014

Nooz & Roomaz! - Monday, May 5th 2014

Some new rumors have hit the scene regarding this summer's Orks release.

via Larry Vela on Bols

Orks are hot on the heels of 7th, (so June), and we have yet another source talking about kits that are jiving with stuff we've heard of late:
Look for the following:

  • A new Ork Boys box triple-combo kit covering: Tank-Bustas, Kommandos, Flashgitz BUSTED!
  • Buggie Combo kit (making the existing buggy and a new unknown kit) BUSTED!
  • Mega-nobz Combo kit (making the existing Mega-nobz and a new unknown kit) HALFWAY BUSTED!
  • Kopta Combo kit (making the existing Kopta and a new unknown kit) BUSTED!
  • Stompa is said to included in the codex as a Lord of War FACT!!!


He's here!!!Squiggles in all his beauty.

Just cleaning my teef with a bug!

Strength D