Monday, April 1, 2019

Kultur Breakdown: Bad Moons

Got Teef? If you're around a Bad Moon Ork, probably not. Teef are the currency of the Orks and the Bad Moons have the most teef. What do you do with all those teef? You deck yourself out with the most expensive ork armor, gubbins, and the flashiest of guns!!! Bad Moons guns are the loudest, the shiniest, and have the MOST DAKKA!!! Let's take a look at the Kultur.

DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Both literally and figuratively! Bad Moons are going to bring the dakka for sure! The new Clan rules for the Bad Moons allow all Orks with the <Bad Moons> keyword to re-roll hit rolls of a 1. The fact that you get to re-roll EVERY shooting attack result of a 1 is pretty gnarly! If you then add in the new army-wide rule of Dakka! Dakka! Dakka!, each hit roll of a 6 generating another shot, you are going to be putting out some serious firepower!

I could easily go into every unit and explain how this kultur rule will improve it, but it would be incredibly redundant. The great thing about the Bad Moons kultur, is that there isn't a single unit in the codex that doesn't benefit from this (outside of a pure dread klaw deff dread and perhaps burna boyz, I suppose). Tankbustas, kombi-rokkits, Kustom-Megakannons, Stompas, and literally every mek gun and new buggies will all benefit from this! Amazing!

The new Bad Moons specific stratagem will surely get your flashy bitz goin' with Showin' Off! This stratagem is bananas (which is also yellow!) Allowing one of your Bad Moons units to immediately shoot a second time is super good! One fantastic unit to use this on is the super-Loota quad! Take a 15 man unit of Lootas and a 10 man unit of Lootas and use the Mob Up stragemt on them, turning them into a 25 man unit! Fire away and then Showin' Off! for 2 CP to let them fire again! Holy moly that's a ton of dakka (though probably not enuff).

Lastly, the Bad Moons have access to a new Ork relic known as Da Gobshot Thunderbuss! This relic is essentially an Ork Shotgun! 2d6 shots that auto hit! Wounding marines on 3's and a -1 Ap to boot! Heck yes!  I can't wait to use this in a game of Zone Mortalis! Kick down the door and BOOM!!!! HUR HUR HUR! 

And there we go, the Bad Moons Kultur Breakdown! Hope you gitz have been savin' your teef cuz only da richest get to wear da yella n' blakk!

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