Welcome to a new segment known as Buildin' Da Waaagh! BDW is all about finding new and interesting ways to play Orks. It is dark times we live in where every new codex that drops is getting a swift kick in the nuts. I truly believe that while the new Ork dex is a little bland, there is a lot of untapped potential. There are a lot of posts floating around right now concerning Orks and their future in the tournament scene. While I am happy to have some actual Ork buzz (seems to be few and far between with all of the boring Imperial Knight meta talk), I feel like a lot of the bloggers out there are missing the true point of Orks. Krump face. Stop worrying about ObSec and build to murder.
Let's get started!
Let's get started!
Today we will start Buildin' Da Waaagh! with my personal favorite list at the moment. Orks are in a spot right now that they almost need Unbound to really get their gears going. Thus, I have a super sweet Unbound list that will surely cause anyone fits. I call it "The Bosses". It is comprised of 90 boys with FNP, 3 Warbosses, 3 KFF's, 3 Weirdboys, 3 Challenge Meks, Power Klaws for days and some really nasty Mek Guns.
Boss Unit 1
Grukk Facerippa (Warlord)
Weirdboy (lvl 1)
Big Mek - KFF
- Mek
29 Boyz
- Nob - PK
Boss Unit 2
Warboss - PK, 'Eavy Armour, Attack Squig, Da Lucky Stikk, Bosspole
Weirdboy (lvl 1)
Big Mek - KFF
- Mek
29 Boyz
- Nob - PK
Boss Unit 3
Warboss - Headwoppa's Killchoppa, 'Eavy Armour, Attack Squig, Bosspole
Weirdboy (lvl 1)
Big Mek - KFF
- Mek
29 Boyz
- Nob - PK
01 Traktor Kannon - Ammo Runt
01 Traktor Kannon - Ammo Runt
01 Kustom-Mega Kannon - Ammo Runt
01 Kustom-Megga Kannon - Ammo Runt
04 Lobbas - 3 Ammo Runts
The idea behind the lis is that you drive 3 large FnP Mobs full of Power Klaws down your enemies throats while belting out S8 Plasma Blasts and dropping lobbas on unprotected infantry. Having 3 separate units helps establish board control more efficiently than a single Green Tide. This also allows you to control more than one objective at once. Let's look at the breakdown
Grukk - Grukk is a beast and with the right support, he can swing for days. The true reason you bring Grukk is for the guaranteed Warlord trait. Bellowing Tyrant is by far the best damn Warlord trait in the book and if given the opportunity to take it, do. Ideally, keep Grukk's unit in the middle of the board.
Warboss (Lucky Stikk) - This guy and his unit are built to deal with the enemy deathstar. As long as you get the charge, you'll be in pretty good shape. With the Lucky Stick, the ENTIRE Boyz unit is WS5. Ork Boyz hitting on 3's is as insane as my David Bowie dreams. There is no space marine unit that will survive this. KILL! MAIM! BURN! WAAAGH!
Warboss (Headwoppas) - Dr. Headwoppa and his unit also serve a unique purpose; take down the big guy. This unit is built to fight MC's, NDK's, and anything else big enough to cause a ruckus. Every turn, your Warlord has a chance to roll a 6 to wound. If this occurs and the target fails that armour save, it is immediately removed from play. In addition, you have the support of a Nob with a PK & a Mek with a Killsaw (chainfist). The Mek with the Killsaw is there to not only soak a challenge if need be, but to handle armour. Wounds will be dealt. There will be blood. Worst case scenario, you tie up a big baddie for entire game. Win/win situation.
Meks - These guys are here to soak up at least one round of challenges. Everybody in the world goes before a Warboss and everybody in the world wants them dead ASAP. Why? Because a Warboss is truly the only dude in the game that can effectively kill ANYTHING. The Mek will gladly take a punch or two to the face while the Warboss unloads unholy hell on the enemy unit. After the Mek goes down? Let the Big Mek go. If you're in melee, you may not need the KFF anymore.
Big Mek KFF - This guy has two roles. Get the unit into combat safely and take a challenge to the face. The Force Field, with practice can be quite the thorn in your opponents side. The more boyz that survive along the way the better off you'll be when it's reckoning time.
Painboy - This guy really foes without saying. Giving FnP to your entire Boyz mob? Yes sir. This combined with the 5++ from the Big Mek against shooting makes Ork Boyz units an absolute nightmare for your opponent to chew through at ranged.
Wierdboy - These guys are here solely for the Maleific primaris. If you want to switch one of them out and take Frazzle, that is pretty gravy too. Summon those daemons and use them as redirectors, overwatch bait, psychic boosters, etc.
Mek Gunz - It is very important that all of your Mek Gunz (aside from your lobbas) are individual separate units. If they're going to try and take them out, your opponent has to fire an entire unit just to take out one 33 point gun. Target saturation. Good job.
Traktor Kannons - These guys are a force to be reckoned if left alone. Which is exactly the point. You either deal with them, or they will wreck your fliers/MC's. If you're facing Flyrants, wound one and watch it fall to the ground. You can then clean up with any of your mobs.
Kustom-Mega Kannon - S8 plasma blast. Two of them. Deal with it.
Lobbas - There is nothing more hilarious than catching an infantry unit with their pants down out in the open (or in cover...who cares! It's barrage!) A properly hit Lobba unit can cause a redonkulous amount of wounds. KABOOM!!!!
This brings a LOT of punch and forces your opponent to deal with many different threats, most of which cannot be handled in a single turn. You should WAAAGH! by turn 2 or 3 and unleash the pain.
Remember, it's much easier to win by tabling your opponent. It's not always the nicest or prettiest way to play, but sometimes you need to unleash Da Krump. :)
Grukk - Grukk is a beast and with the right support, he can swing for days. The true reason you bring Grukk is for the guaranteed Warlord trait. Bellowing Tyrant is by far the best damn Warlord trait in the book and if given the opportunity to take it, do. Ideally, keep Grukk's unit in the middle of the board.
Warboss (Lucky Stikk) - This guy and his unit are built to deal with the enemy deathstar. As long as you get the charge, you'll be in pretty good shape. With the Lucky Stick, the ENTIRE Boyz unit is WS5. Ork Boyz hitting on 3's is as insane as my David Bowie dreams. There is no space marine unit that will survive this. KILL! MAIM! BURN! WAAAGH!
Warboss (Headwoppas) - Dr. Headwoppa and his unit also serve a unique purpose; take down the big guy. This unit is built to fight MC's, NDK's, and anything else big enough to cause a ruckus. Every turn, your Warlord has a chance to roll a 6 to wound. If this occurs and the target fails that armour save, it is immediately removed from play. In addition, you have the support of a Nob with a PK & a Mek with a Killsaw (chainfist). The Mek with the Killsaw is there to not only soak a challenge if need be, but to handle armour. Wounds will be dealt. There will be blood. Worst case scenario, you tie up a big baddie for entire game. Win/win situation.
Meks - These guys are here to soak up at least one round of challenges. Everybody in the world goes before a Warboss and everybody in the world wants them dead ASAP. Why? Because a Warboss is truly the only dude in the game that can effectively kill ANYTHING. The Mek will gladly take a punch or two to the face while the Warboss unloads unholy hell on the enemy unit. After the Mek goes down? Let the Big Mek go. If you're in melee, you may not need the KFF anymore.
Big Mek KFF - This guy has two roles. Get the unit into combat safely and take a challenge to the face. The Force Field, with practice can be quite the thorn in your opponents side. The more boyz that survive along the way the better off you'll be when it's reckoning time.
Painboy - This guy really foes without saying. Giving FnP to your entire Boyz mob? Yes sir. This combined with the 5++ from the Big Mek against shooting makes Ork Boyz units an absolute nightmare for your opponent to chew through at ranged.
Wierdboy - These guys are here solely for the Maleific primaris. If you want to switch one of them out and take Frazzle, that is pretty gravy too. Summon those daemons and use them as redirectors, overwatch bait, psychic boosters, etc.
Mek Gunz - It is very important that all of your Mek Gunz (aside from your lobbas) are individual separate units. If they're going to try and take them out, your opponent has to fire an entire unit just to take out one 33 point gun. Target saturation. Good job.
Traktor Kannons - These guys are a force to be reckoned if left alone. Which is exactly the point. You either deal with them, or they will wreck your fliers/MC's. If you're facing Flyrants, wound one and watch it fall to the ground. You can then clean up with any of your mobs.
Kustom-Mega Kannon - S8 plasma blast. Two of them. Deal with it.
Lobbas - There is nothing more hilarious than catching an infantry unit with their pants down out in the open (or in cover...who cares! It's barrage!) A properly hit Lobba unit can cause a redonkulous amount of wounds. KABOOM!!!!
This brings a LOT of punch and forces your opponent to deal with many different threats, most of which cannot be handled in a single turn. You should WAAAGH! by turn 2 or 3 and unleash the pain.
Remember, it's much easier to win by tabling your opponent. It's not always the nicest or prettiest way to play, but sometimes you need to unleash Da Krump. :)
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