Oi! Lissen up ya smelly gitz! Da Orks went krumpin' in a tor..tur...er...tourn...errr....
I'll take it from here, Snazzletoof. You were doing so well too! It's true! I played in a 1500 pt. tournament this past Saturday at Area 51 Gaming and Collectibles in Grapevine, TX. It was a super laid back tournament with a lot of really great people in attendance. We had a super relaxing 3 hours per round which made it much more enjoyable for everyone. While I feel 2 1/2 would have been plenty of time with relaxation involved, it ended up being pretty nice.
My first matchup was against an old friend who plays Tau: Farsight Enclave. Unfortunately, I did not grab extra copies of my opponents lists so you will have to bare with me while I try to remember what they have. What I CAN tell you is that Farsight and his drones had Fearless and it turned out to be pretty epic. However, here is my list!
Mega-Armoured Warboss: Attack Squig; Bosspole; Da Finkin' Kap
4 Meganobz: Power Klaw/Kombi-Skorcha
• Battlewagon: 3× Rokkit Launchas; grot riggers; extra armour; boarding plank; reinforced ram
12 Ork Boyz: 'Eavy Armour; Nob (power klaw; Bosspole)
• Trukk: Rokkit Launcha; Reinforced Ram; Extra Armour; Boarding Plank
12 Ork Boyz: Shoota; Nob (power klaw; Bosspole)
• Trukk: Rokkit Launcha; Reinforced Ram; Extra Armour
12 Ork Boyz: Shoota; Nob (power klaw; Bosspole)
• Trukk: Rokkit Launcha; Reinforced Ram; Extra Armour
7 Warbikers: Nob (power klaw; bosspole)
5 Mek Gunz: 5× Lobba; 2× Ammo Runts
12 Lootas: Mek
Game 1 - Farsight Enclave.
Game 2 - Mech AM
Game 3 - Space Marines (Ultramarines)
Orks Turn 1
This mission was a modified Relic mission in which the Relic never actually moves. i.e. One objective, dead center, worth 2 points. Pretty plain jane. This had me worried with the lack of terrain on the table. I knew the only way I was going to come out of this one alive was to smash my opponent and make a quick run for the objective turn 4 or 5. If I tried to grab it too soon, he would light me up like a Christmas tree.
Orks go first! WAAAAGH! Well, not quite yet... But I do zoom everything up the table! Let's get in there and start krumpin'!
Vroom!!! Vroom!!!
Killed a fire warrior with a rokkit! Overkill! Yeah!!! Also, Lobbas lit up the firewarrior squad on the left behind the crisis suits and they fled 12" off the table.
First Blood!
Tau Turn 1
Suits move up a bit in preparation for their JSJ.
My opponent managed to immobilize the Bad Moons Trukk and blow up the Deathskulls Trukk. Deathskulls pass their check. All is well.
Orks Turn 2
Battlewagon moved up and Da Boss and his retinue of Meganobz and Painboy disembarked towards the Riptide. The lobbas annihilate the fire warriors in front of the Broadsides allowing an easy charge for the 'Ard Boyz to wreck these fish faces real good! The 'Ard Boyz make it, the Bad Moons make it, the Meganob/Warboss unit make it and the Warbikes make it. WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
Orks 3 - Boyz finish up klobbering the space fish. The lone warbiker nob parks in the corner for linebreaker. The 'Ardboyz, who just recently beat up some broadsides finished off the 2 Firewarriors who ran turn 2. Bad Moons and Meganobz start the slow trek toward the lone objective.
Tau 3 - The Devilfish combined with Farsights Drones (now loner drones!) finished off the lootas while making their own linebreaker run. Farsight and 3 crisis suits make their way toward the objective.
Orks Turn 4
The battlewagon tankshocks the crisis suits sending them running.
The Megnobz and Badmoons continue to move toward the objective.
The Bad Moon trukk kills a Crisis Suit and the Battlewagon snapshoots a rokkit at the Devilfish, stunning it!
The 'Ardboyz run down the remaining 2 Crisis Suits on their failed stand and fight check.
Tau Turn 4 - Farsight kills remaining 'Ardboyz. Jumps towards objective.
Orks Turn 5 - My ObSec Badmoon Boyz run in to contest the objective. My Megnobz are .03" shy of being in for the standard contest. All available shooting is focused on Farsight but nothing gets through.
Tau Turn 5 - Farsight whips out his flamer on the Bad Moonz Boyz causing a panic check. I pass with snake eyes! Objective secure! That's game, folks!
Let's figure up the final tally.
1 - First Blood
1 - Line Breaker
2 - Objective
1 - Linebreaker
GAME 2: Astra Militarum
My next opponent was an Army guy named Steven who had a beautifully painted Mech AM list. If there is one matchup I don't want to see in a tournament, it's Mech AM. Regardless, I drew it. Luckily for me, he was a real stand up guy who was super relaxed but a very very good player. It made for a very enjoyable experience.I'd play him any day.
Not many pics in this bat rep as my phone was beginning to get really low on juice. I'll just give a basic run down of the remaining games.
The missions was a standard kill points game. First Blood and Linebreaker were worth 100 pts. and Warlord 200 pts.
This game....in short...was bloody. For both sides. I got up in his face super fast and it caught him a little off guard. I will say that I did have some target priority issues right off the bat. I deployed first so he castled up two Chimeras full of dudes and a Wyvern in the far most corner where really only 1 trukkload of boyz could get to in a hurry. His 3rd chimera was pretty much boned as it had my Meganobwagon, trukkboyz and warbikes heading it's way. I wish I had zoomed the Deathskulls trukk (blue) towards the Executioners with the Goff Trukk (black). Those executioners were the final nail in my victory coffin. They ate me for lunch. My opponent didn't Get Hot one time the entire game. Those two deserve names for sure.
By the end of the game, the only thing I had left on the table were my Lootas and a single Goff Nob hiding in some ruins. He slaughtered me by 400 points. Ouchies. However, I gave his list a pretty good bloody nose. We had a nice talk about the new Orks afterwards since our game went by so fast. It was nice to chill out a bit while others were still throwing down. Again, Steven great opponent and look forward to playing him again in the future.
GAME 3: Ultramarines
My third game was against Trey, the nicest guy I have ever played against. I had a great time playing with him even though it was pretty bloody on his end. I have to attribute his loss to dice rolls than anything. He was making sound tactical decisions and the dice were betraying him left and right. Hopefully we can get a fun rematch in soon to make up for it, because it was a pretty lopsided game.
Also, it was super cool to see someone actually play Ultramarines. We often complain about how much we see them in anything GW produces but it's very rare to see an actual Ultramarine army on the table. I applaud him for this. Trey was super gung-ho about the Smurfs too which made it even cooler.
Effectively this game was a modified Warmachine mission. There were 2 giant circles to which you could start scoring points at the bottom of the second players second turn. A full unit inside the circle would score you 1 point. Troops with the Combined Arms Detachment would net you Objective Secure, assuming the entire unit was inside the circle. First player to score 3 points wins the game.
Trey went first and dropped his Dread my left side circle. It got out, attempted to flame and storm bolter some bikers and failed to do anything. In my turn I zoomed everything up into the circles creating a barricade in the right circle with my 2 trukks. As long as they didn't explode, they would create a hell of an obstacle for his blue dudes to get through. My bikes charged his dread and he only killed one guy. I Klawed the dread into an explosion killing a bike in the process. My Warboss, Painboy and Meganobz got out and starting Krumpin' everything in-between the two circles.
By the bottom of turn 2 both barricade trukks were wrecks (all according to plan) and I had full possession of the left circle. I scored 2 points.
Turn 3 consisted of Try trying to pry me out of both circles, but alas, his dice failed him. I didn't even need to play my 3rd turn as I scored my 3rd point and won the game.
What a fun and LONG day! I got 3 games in against 3 great opponents! I ended up taking 3rd overall in the tournament and got some store credit! Woo!
I can't wait for the next one! Hopefully there will be more terrain...
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