Thanks Snazzletoof, but i've got it from here. Welcome back to the Ork Codex review! Today we will be talking about the HQ choices!
Here is how we will break it down. I will talk about the rule, model, unit, etc. and then give my initial impressions. I will then state positives, negatives, potential, and a rating of Teef; 1-5, five teef being da best, 1 toof being for smelly gitz!!!
Okay, let's start with the Ork Codex HQ!!
Comin' in at a ridiculously cheap number of teef (more 'den 50 teef but less 'den 70), the Warboss is the backbone of any true Ork army. This guy can do it all, bust heads, shoot thingz up real good, krump 'umies. The Warboss is the one HQ in the game that can literally decimate anything it comes up against in combat while being the squishiest HQ to date...
Ouch, my head...Sorry, Snazzletoof. I'll try to stay on target. The Warboss always has been and most likely always will be my bread & butter for my lists. It always felt like heresy when I would run a list without one. I always felt like, "WHO IZ LEEDIN' DIS WAAAGH?! DAT KOMPUTA GIT? DAT WEIRDBOY? PFFF...DEY IZ WEAK!!!", however, until this new codex, running a Warboss was never really a requirement. Not that is an absolute requirement now, but it is the only sure-fire way to get the Waaagh! special rule in your army.
What the Waaagh! rule does now is that it allows your army to run and assault in the same turn! Hello 5th edition!!! This is incredible for the Orks as stated in pt. I, we lost our punch from 5th to 6th. In combination with the 'Ere We Go special rule, calling a Waaagh! has never been so sweet. Unfortunately, the Warboss HAS to be your Warlord for this to work. If he isn't, no Waaagh!. I want so badly to think this is lame but it is 100% fluffy in all aspects.
So what makes this 9 foot monstrosity of violence and odor so good? Well, before the new codex, I would have responded with....Strength 10 Ap2 Power Klaw. I will still respond with this but there is so much more! The warboss has ultimately become and even bigger tool of destruction and murder. With the change to the Attack Squig (from +1 attack to a mini-master craft) and the ability to take relics, he is without a doubt "mo killy". However, there is some bad news... He is much easier to kill than ever before. The nerf to Cybork body makes this dream of the ultimate killing machine nothing but an adventure down a pipe. The new Cybork body only grants the Feel No Pain (6+) rule. This...is...ridiculously bad. I don't know what they were thinking. There is literally no way to get an invulnerable save in close combat anymore for Orks. None. Nadda. Zero. Zilch. It's not happening.
So how do I keep this git alive?! I'll tell you! You have 3 options!!!
1. Put him in a unit with several characters. Don't allow him to get sucked into a challenge unless you know, sure-fire, you're going to win it. A Painboy is pretty much a must for this unit. Don't waste your Teef on the Cybork Body. It doesn't stack...
2. Mega-Armour - I'm not going to say it is a must, but it helps....a lot. Slow & Purposeful sucks but a 2+ on an Ork doesn't. Not having a Warlord sucks even more.
3. Biker Boss - a Warboss on a bike is the only way to avoid instant death (aside from a supplement relic.) T6 on the bike will go a ways, but the 4+ armour won't...
In conclusion, I still love the Warboss. He will still get it done. But he pretty much NEEDS a bodyguard of some sort. Meganobz are a fantastic choice if you are running him in mega-armour.
Positives: The Waaagh! special rule is gold and 'dis guy iz dead killy. No question. Not quite a must take but very very close.
Negatives: Easy to kill. Must have (and be Warlord) to call Waaagh!
Potential: Lots of potential here. He really hasn't changed too much from the previous dex. However, I think he is going to surprise us along the way.
5/5 TEEF!!!!
Ahhh yes, the old shaman who stays in his tent while huffing burning squig dung incense and claiming he talks to Mork and Gork. The Weirdboy has seen much improvement from the last book. He is a real deal Psyker now and he even has a Force weapon! OoOOoOO!!!!
The Weirdboy may generate his powers from the Power of the Waagh! or Daemonology trees. He Comes in at less than 50 teef and can be upgraded to a lvl 2 Psyker for a mere 25 more. He has the same statline as a Nob and has all the special rules any proper Ork should have.
In addition, the Warphead gained a new rule called "Waaagh! Energy". It allows the Weirdboy to generate ONE bonus warp charge point if there are 10 or more boyz within 12" of him. If there are, he must pass one test or take a Strength grot hit with no saves of any kind allowed.
Hmm...I guess it's nice...but...this doesn't really play so well into the weirdboy losing control of himself and gaining unreasonable levels of psychic power. I feel that it should have been "for ever 10 models within 12", gain +1 warp charge." or even every ork unit within 12" that has 10 or more models. A weirdboy should be difficult to harness, even for the player, if there are enough Orks around. THE FLUFF WILLS IT!!!
Positives: The Weirdboy is a real Psyker now! S7 Ap4 Force Stave on the charge! I'll take it!
Negatives: Lackluster special rule and inability to purchase level 3 as well.
Potential: He could be a real contender in the Psychic phase unless you're facing off against Chaos Sorcerers &/or Daemons.
Before we score him, let's take a look at that psyker tree of dark mystical green energy!
Primaris: Frazzle - Warp Charge 1 - Witchfire
YES. This Primaris is absolute money. It is a Bolter ranged, S6, ApPower Armour, Assault 1, Blast, marine killer pure and simple, AND, if you take all of your powers from this tree, you get this one FO FREE! Sign me up!
Positives: Ap3?! In an Ork Codex?! WHAT BEAUTIFUL HERESY IS THIS?! NOM NOM NOM!!!
Negatives: None. It's cheap, effective and potentially free. Count your blessings...or should I say...WITCHFIRES?! *THUMP* KNOCK IT OFF OR U BE TASTIN' MUH BOOT!!!!
5 TEEF!!!!!
1. 'Eadbanger - Warp Charge 1 - Focused Witchfire
'Eadbanger is also pretty sweet. It has a a solid Bolter range and forces your target to take a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. Pretty nice for poppin' sergeants or even whittling down that enemy warlord.
Positives: A nice way to ensure your Nob doesn't go down in a challenge against basic infantry. SMELLY SPESS ELVEZ & 'UMIES WONT LIKE DIS WUN VERY MUCH! HUR HUR HUR!!
Negatives: Invulnerable saves and Feel No Pain will shut this one down real fast.
Potential: You could potentially kill off the enemy Warlord late in game from a safe distance.
3 TEEF!!!
2. Warpath - Warp Charge 1 - Blessing
Warpath is pretty much the same from the last book. It grants the Weirdboys unit +1 attack. This can make a unit of shoota boyz just as killy as a slugga boy unit on the charge. It's effective, reliable and does what it says on the tin.
Positives: Instantly makes said unit much more intimidating to your opponent. S/He will definitely think twice before assaulting.
Negatives: Could scare your opponent into focusing more firepower towards the Weirdboy unit. Hey, at least it's not your trukks...RIGHT?!
Potential: 5 attacks on the charge from a Slugga/Choppa boy is a terrifying notion. Taking potentially 60 shots from a 30 man shoota boy squad only to be assaulted with 4 attack per model is even worse...
4 TEEF!!!!
3. Da Jump - Warp Charge 1 - Blessing
Formerly known as "'Ere We Go!", Da Jump has not changed much from the last book either. You can immediately deep strike the Weirdboy's unit. However, now if you roll doubles on your scatter, the unit must snap shoot until the beginning of your next turn. Meh, a little bit of a nerf but not to bad. This power is pretty situational and can definitely wreck havoc in your opponents back lines and in their heads. It's definitely a finesse spell. I'd say it could work pretty dark well with the next spell if you're facing an army full of tanks *AHEM MECH MILITARUM*
Positives: Drop in your enemies deployment zone instantly or on a mandatory objective.
Negatives: You're deepstriking and potentially with a lot of models. This can easily go south...
Potential: Dropping in behind enemy lines with perfect LoS for a nice Killbolt on enemy tanks can set you up full of grins for at least a few days.
3 TEEF!!!
4. Killbolt - Warp Charge 2 - Beam
Killbolt is a very cool new Psyker power that laughs in the face of Space Wolves players everywhere...mostly because JOTWW is nothing but a memory anymore...for now. Killbolt has the range of a shoota and causes a max strength AP2 Assault 1 hit on anything the beam touches.
Positives: This can really set things in motion against vehicles or terminator squads.
Negatives: Expensive, but not without good reason. Will kill your own boyz in the process if you're not up front, which can also be suicidal. If you deep strike and then do this, you have to be in the middle when you land. Boyz will die and possibly cause a panic check. Just be aware.
Potential: Drop Pod clinging to an objective bringing you down? Easy fix. ;)
4 TEEF!!!!
5. Power Vomit - Warp Charge 2 - Witchfire
Power Vomit is nothing more than perfect imagery of the Weirdboy shooting masses of green energy out it's mouth. Power Vomit is a S7 Ap2 Flamer Template that will make any SPESS MAREEEEN Terminator wet their pantaloons.
Positives: Makes mince meat of any infantry model. A nice counter to Wraithguard and Termiantors.
Negatives: Unlike a Beam, a Template cannot be placed over friendly models, which means in order to make use of this, your Weirdo is going to have to be in harms way; either up front or off to the side. Either way, Look Out Sir!'s are inevitable.
Potential: Ummm...they had potential to give the damn thing torrent? That would help a lot with the negative explained above...also with the pricey casting cost for something you may not even be able to legally use if positioned improperly. In a more positive light, Da Jump + Power Vomit? hmmmmmmm.
2.5 TEEF!!.
6. Da Krunch - Warp Charge 2 - Witchfire
Da Krunch is a poor mans homage to the Warhammer Fantasy Orcs & Goblins Foot of Gork spell. Effectively it's a Large Blast, Assault 1, Barrage, with bolter range that has 2d6 Strength and a mediocre Ap4. If you roll an 11 or 12 for the Strength value, resolve the power at S10 and then do it again against the original target. Keep doing this until you don't roll an 11 or 12.
Okay...As an Orcs & Goblins player, I realize how ridiculously over powered the Fantasy Foot of Gork can be, but this is about as mathematically fun to rely on as rolling box cars on the Shokk Attack Gun....
I would have liked to see an easier way to get more shots but perhaps a way to backfire and have my opponent chose one my units instead, much like Foot of Gork. I sort of feel like there was so much potential for this one and it was lost.
Positives: Can cause some serious damage if the proper strength is rolled. No LoS needed!
Negatives: Bolter range mixed with the Barrage is pretty lackluster. Chances of you rolling an 11 or 12 are exactly 5.56% or the ever more popular 2.78%. In addition, you must Krunch the original unit each time you roll 11 or 12. Pretty lame.
Potential: Could be nice against a freshly deep struck unit!
2/5 TEEF!!
Overall Weirdboy Score: 4/5 TEEFS!!!!
Big Mek
The Big Mek. The ultimate gearhead. If he wills it, it works. He struts an apron full of wrenches, gears and gizmos and totes wonky gadgets guaranteed to either ensure an Ork victory or utterly destroy all living beings around him. The Big Mek comes in somewhere in the middle of 30 & 40 ork teef. He has the stat line of a Nob but with +1 Ld. So, he's not as killy as a Warboss but don't let that convince you otherwise. A Big Mek in Mega-Armour can easily become a force to be reckoned with.
The Big Mek has a few glaring changes from the previous dex. First, he has much more to offer in the wargear department. A Mega-Armoured Big Mek in the last book was pretty much done as soon as you took the Mega-armour. Now, he can take a multitude of items that he would normally take out of mega-armour.
Big Mek Mega-Armour Perks
1. Power Klaw/Killsaw Combo - That's right, the Big Mek can swap his Kustom-Mega Blasta for a Chain Fist giving him dual specialist weapons. 5 Attacks on the charge with a Chainfist?! Dead killy...
2. Kustom Force Field - The Big Mek can FINALLY take the beloved KFF in Mega-Armour. If only it were still so beloved... The KFF took quite the kick in the nuts in the new book. It replaced it's 5+ Cover Save with a 5+ Invulnerable Save which really gives the bird to all of the Ignores Cover shenanigoats out there. However, it's only hits models within 6" of the KFF instead of units. In addition, it cannot spread if the Big Mek in embarked within a vehicle. Once he is riding dirty, the vehicle is the only thing that get's the Invul. While this is a huge blow to Mek players everywhere, it's not so bad. The change from Cover to Invul is still huge. Kan Walls just became that much more reliable. Also, a 5++ with IWND? Yes ma'am.
3. Tellyporta Blasta - Okay. Where do I start...This gun is a bit of an anomaly. It has a the range of a ruler but is S8 AP2, Assault, Blast, Tellyported. Tellyported?! I was hoping it would be something really gnarly like deep-striking the enemy unit somewhere else on the table. Instead, it causes instant death on to wound rolls of a 6. If it rolls a 6 against a vehicle, it auto-pens, regardless of AV. That's pretty cool I guess. S8 can finally pen a Land Raider! Anywho, the gun is pretty nifty and shouldn't be shrugged off so quickly. I think dumping one of these out of a Battlewagon with a retinue of Mega-Nobz will make an Terminator unit, Tyranid MC or Riptide piss their pants. Do Tyranids have pants? *ponders*
Unfortunately, you cannot take both the KFF & Tellyporta. Awww shucks!
Regular Big Mek
Okay, this is where the guy really starts to shine. He has all of his normal gadgets such as Mek Tools, for repairing Hull Points, Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized results on a 5+. Still super sweet if you ask me. Here is where it gets super awesome. The Big Mek can take a warbike!
That's right, folks! The Big Mek can now join biker gangs! *vroom vroom* This is amazing for 2 reasons.
1. KFF on a Warbike - That's right. It's legal. Do it. Hopefully the Speed Freaks Supplement will hit the shelf soon!
2. Shokk Attack Gun on a Warbike - Uhhhh....YES. This...is....AWESOME! So not only can the SAG zoom around the board but it gains Relentless from the bike so it always shoots? Hot damn!
So let's talk about the Shokk Attack Gun. The table it'self hasn't really changed.
1,1 - Boom! No shot is fired. Remove the Mek as a casualty.
Not as bad as before. At least you don't drop the pieplate on yourself before removing the mek.
2,2 - Oops! Opponent places template. Nothing different here.
3,3 - Gah! Resolve against nearest unengaged unit, friend or foe.
4,4 - Sploosh! Use the small blast instead and resolve at S6 Ap6.
5,5 - Zoink! still launches you into your target and locks you in combat but does not give you the charge bonus.
5,6 - Bzzap! - Only the model under the hole is hit with a S10 Ap2 shot.
6,6 - Krakoom! Okay this one changed quite a bit but still super sweet. No more immediate remove from play. Instead the gun gains the Vortex special rule. Which means whatever was underneath it gains a Strength D Large Blast hit and then it scatters around the table for the rest of the game or until a double is rolled for scatter. HOT DAMN!!! Too bad in my 5 years of Ork play, I have rolled the 6,6 one time and a 5+ cover save was made... Oh well. Maybe I will be more luck this go around!!!
Big Meks can also replace their Choppa with a Killsaw, though it's a bit pricey. BUT you could take the Warbike, SAG, a Killsaw and then shoot a Landraider hoping you land a Zoink! result! 60" Chainfist charge?! Yup! well...not a charge anymore...but still! You get to swing!
Overall, I'd say the Big Mek is pretty nifty! He is definitely a fun model but has it's practical uses.
Positives: More options in Mega-Armour and can take a Warbike...with a Shokk Attack Gun! Huzzah!
Negatives: The fun stuff is pricey and very very wonky. Chances of personal success may vary.
Potential: Tellyporta Blasta and the PK/Killsaw combo in Mega-Armour
3.5/5 TEEF!!!
The Painboy is no longer an upgrade character. He is a 100%, straight up, HQ choice and it has literally changed the entire codex. Before, the only way to access the Painboy was via-Nobz and Flash Gitz. That's it. NOW, you can pop this guy in a mob of 30 boyz and watch your opponent cringe in disappointment.
He is still a Nob in all regards stat-wise. He has access to Orky Know-wots which means he can rock a Warbike. You can literally place this guy in any unit. It's too bad he doesn't have a rule similar to the the regular Mek.
I'd say he is pretty plain Jane. Not much else to say.
Negatives: He's now an HQ in a crowded HQ section. Doesn't share the same luxuries as the standard Mek.
Potential: Tankbustas + Painboy? Hmmmm...
4/5 TEEF!!!
Ahhhh, yes. Another chap who was moved into the already crowded HQ section.
Well, not exactly... But pretty damn close once you figure this guy out!!! The mek, like the painboy, used to be an upgrade character for Burna Boyz and Lootas. Pretty much nobody took them unless they were truly concerned about repairing vehicles....so never. NOW these guys are in the HQ section but don't take an HQ slot! They pretty much work just like Techmarines. You can take one for 10 teef less than a Power Klaw for EACH HQ you take. That's pretty awesome. In addition, Burna Boyz and Lootas may still upgrade 3 dude to Meks! So if I didn't do this before, why would I do this now? Well, because now you NEED characters to mitigate the Mob Rule Table. If your Burna Boyz or Lootas aren't in combat (why would they be?), and DON'T have a character, there is a very very high chance that they are running away; 66% chance with 10 or more models and 83% chance with less than 10. Ouch. Pop that Mek character in there and your the odds of running never be higher than 66% and can get as low as 0% of running if you are in combat and have at least 10 models at the end of the combat, and 50% chance (with a bosspole reroll!) if you don't. I will often take at least 1 mek in my Lootas squads as they usually aren't in a vehicle and can easily take some wounds and panic.
Challenges - This is where the Mek shines. For the cost of a Plasma Pistol, you can guarantee your Nob or Warboss gets to swing on the opposing unit without fear of being locked in a challenge. Yes, nobody is safe from challenges anymore with transferring wounds. However, at least those transfer wounds can be allocated to regular boyz while your Warboss or Nob sits safely, waiting for the Initiative 1 bloodbath. Just issue the challenge against that power fist or lightning claw space marine goon and laugh as you annihilate his unit.
The Mek has the option to take weapons from the Mek Weapons list which means he can rock a cheap rokkit, a kombi-weapon, KMB or the new Kustom Mega-Pistol (S8Ap2 plasma pisotl). Neato! Other things you can do with the Mek is give your Burna Boyz squad or Lootas squad some punchin' power should they see combat as he can take replace his choppa with a Killsaw. It's pretty pricey and I would never do this on the Challenge Mek.
Negatives: He can get pricey very quickly.
Potential: Running 1 challenge Mek and 2 Killsaw Meks in a Boyz mob with a PK mob. Nothing. Will. Survive. (maybe)
4/5 TEEF!!!
Mad Dok Grotsnik
Okay. The Dok of Death has seen a few changes but he is still pretty useful. He no longer grants the entire army the option of a 5++ invul at +5 pts. per model. In fact, he doesn't even offer the entire army the new cybork body. If he did, it might actually be worth it.
He still has his One Scalpel Short of a Medpack rule but now it grants the unit Fearless and Rampage. This is one of our only surefire ways of getting fearless. This and a 770pt. Stompa... Regardless, he comes in under 170 teef and also grants his unit 5+ FnP. The Rampage isn't going to be that great on a 30 boy mob as they will most likely outnumber all opponents. Meganobz however...hmmmm
Positives: Fearless!
Negatives: Pricey and cannot leave the unit until he is the last one in the unit.
Potential: Rampage Mega-Nob unit!
3/5 TEEF!!!
Kaptin Badrukk
Literally nothing is different about this guy except for the fact that he is now an HQ and gets the Kunnin' but Brutal Warlord Trait if he is your Warlord. he went down in cost a bit too. He doesn't get his 3 ammo runts for free anymore but can purchase them and still be under his previous dex cost. Goldtoof Armour and Da Rippa haven't changed at all.
He's pretty nice if you're going Flashgit heavy or in small games. I could definitely see this guy shining in a Zone Mortalis game.
Positives: Cheaper! Can be your Warlord in your Freebooter army!!!
Negatives: Crowded HW section makes him less likely to be seen on the table outside of narrative games.
Potential: Zone Mortalis!!!
2.5/5 TEEF!!!
Boss Zagstrukk
This guy moved to the HQ section as well and took the bigest kick in the nuts ever. He no longer has a Power Klaw. Instead he gets ONE S8 Ap2 Hammer of Wrath hit. Whoopty do...
He also went down in Ld. and up in Strength. His one redeeming factor is that if he is your warlord (shoot me now) he automatically gains the Bellowing Tyrant warlord trait. Thanks but no thanks.
Sorry Stormboy fanatics. I'm really really sorry. :/
Positives: Guaranteed Bellowing Tyrant.
Negatives: Everything
Potential: Great shelf model.
1/5 Teef...
Well folks, that about does it for HQ's! I hope you enjoyed and learned something new! I learn new things about this book every time I crack it open!
Overall I would say the HQ section is a little crowded but covers a LOT of ground!
Total HQ Score: 4/5 Teef!!!!
Up next...
Troop choices!!!
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