Met up at the FLGS this past Saturday and had a nice little 2500pt bout with a Bretonnia guy who I have been trying to play all summer.
Orcs & Goblins
Black Orc Warboss on War Boar - Enchanted shield, Dawnstone, Potion of Strength
26 Orc Boyz - FC, xhw
Black Orc Big Boss BSB on War Boar - Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance
Savage Orc Great Shaman (4) - Lucky Shrunken Head, Crown of Command
30 Savage Orc Big'Uns - FC
NG Shaman (2) - Dispel Scroll
50 Night Goblins - FC, Nets
3 Fanatics
5 Goblin Wolf Riders - Music
5 Goblin Wolf Riders - Music
30 Black Orcs - FC
Doom Diver
Doom Diver
Rock Lobba
Lord on Pegasus - Grail Vow, Gromgril Great Helm, Gauntlet of Duel, Virtue of Confidence, Lance of Artois
Paladin BSB - Knight's Vow, War Banner, Virtue of Duty
8 Knights Errant - FC
Damsel (1) - Lore of Beasts, Dispel Scroll, Warhorse
8 Knights Errant - FC
Prophetess (3) - Lore of Heavens, Warhorse
11 KoTR - FC
Damsel (1) - Lore of Life, Prayer Icon of Quenelles
39 Men at Arms - Spears
10 Archers - Braziers
10 Archers - Braziers
3 Peg Knights
3 Peg Knights
3 Peg Knights
Basic Deployment shot
Two units of 3 Peg Knights deploy on my right.
Left to right
8 Knights Errant with lvl 1 Beasts
8 Knights Errant with Paladin BSB
39 M@A
Lord on Pegasus
11 KoTR with lvl 3 Heavens
10 archers
2 trebs in the back
8 Knights Errant with lvl 1 Beasts
8 Knights Errant with Paladin BSB
39 M@A
Lord on Pegasus
11 KoTR with lvl 3 Heavens
10 archers
2 trebs in the back
Last unit of Peg Knights and Archers on my left table edge
I my own ignorance I forgot to bring my 2 units of Goblin Wolf Riders to the store and thus forgot to include them into my deployment. I remembered right at the end of deployment and my opponent was gracious enough to allow me to bring them in reserves. I single handedly crippled my entire game due to my ignorance and negligence. GG. He could tell I was pretty upset about my forgetfulness and I had explained to him that my list was sort of built around the initial vanguard move. I figured it didn't matter because that strategy was scrap and I was beginning from square one.
O&G Turn One
My Night Goblins fail Animosity and sit there. Little effers. I move everyone up about 4 inches (totally against the O&G mantra but i'm desperate here!) giving him a charge of 20 inches. Good luck! My magic phase isn't a complete failure as I successfully cast Foot of Gork on a 24 and he burns his scroll. In the shooting phase, one doom diver scatters off completely while the other takes a wound off a peg knight on the right table edge. However, my Rock Lobba lands a direct hit on his Lord and knocks him down a wound (he counts up). Success!!
Bretonnia Turn One
His Peg Knights charge the flank of my savage orcs.
He send one unit of peg knights over the doom diver towards the rock lobba and the last peg knight unit right in front of the diver.
He is cautious about a 20 inch charge and decides test for impetuous and move his Errant units on top of the hill for a later hill charge. His M@A also move up while the KoTR and archers hang out.
His Rock Lobba bound Peg Knights were exactly within 8 inches of my Night Goblins so I had to release the fanatics! I sent one out of the side flank towards the pegs in hopes of killing a knight but was 3 inches short.
The remaining two fanatics made quite a long leap of 10 inches each creating a small barricade for the Knights Errant and M@A.
In the magic phase, he casts the Comet of Cassandora from his lvl 1 right in the middle of the savage orcs. I dispelled his Wyssans Wildform attempt.
In his shooting phase, one Trebuchet misfired and cannot shoot for 2 turns while the other one scattered way off the Black Orcs into the empty forest.
The Savage Orcs managed to kill a knight but lost combat by 1. However, I am steadfast and stubborn from crown of command and passed with a solid 3. Frenzy lost but still at solid strength.
O&G Turn Two
My General and Orc Boyz failled thier charge into the M@A and move forward six inches. In the magic phase I manage to Hand of Gork my Black Orcs into the flank of the Archers and KoTR. My plan was to obliterate those archers next turn and overrun into the KoTR flank.
Another successful shooting phase (almost!) One of my doom divers misfires again and explodes while the other killed two knights in the shown Knights Errant unit (pic taken before removed). In addition, my Rock Lobba scores another direct hit on his general and causes 3 unsaved wounds killing him outright. Huzzah!
My Goblin Wolf (boar boy proxy) rider unit charged the flank of the Peg Knights and ran them down.
I made a crucial fast calv mistake and charge this peg knight unit. I lost and ran off the board. I should have just placed them right in from to protect the doom diver (hopefully) from one more round. Chances are they would have taken an overrun charge but who really knows in the end, right?
End of O&G Turn 2
Bretonnia Turn 2
Both Knights Errant units charge the Savage Orc Big'Uns and recieve an extra +1 for charging down hill. As Orcs are slow as molases, he went first and tried to put as many natural wounds on my unit as possible. In retaliation, my Black Orc BSB focused all his attacks on his BSB and straight slaughtered him. My opponent was pretty startled as nobody, to my surprise, has ever focused his BSB down. He was a little concerned at this point with no general and no BSB. Fortunately for him, he had no idea what his M@A were about to do after they charged my Generals unit with Boyz.
What happens? The M@A, with the help of the Peg Knight rear charge, anhiliate my Generals unit and the Peg Knights run the unit down (and my beast of a general :( )and get an overrun into my Night Gobbos who also took a front charge from the other Peg Knight unit who literally escaped the wrath of that fanatic by less than an inch.
Talk about game changing
O&G Turn 3
The Black Orcs charge the small unit of Archers (not in picture) and I have a pretty ridiculous magic phase. I irresistbly cast a giant Foot of Gork on his KoTR unit and direct hit kill 2 Knights. The foot decides to stomp again to which I target the M@A unit and kill 7. The Foot stomps AGAIN and I scatter one inch back on the M@A and kill 11. THE FOOT STOMPS AGAIN and a I direct his his M@A and kill 5 I believe. THE FOOT STOMPS AGAIN and I kill one more Knight of the Realm. The foot gets bored and wonders off while the M@A turn tail and run.
The Night Goblins lose combat and are overrun by the frontal Peg Knight charge. However, my Night Goblins (who net themselves) managed to kill not one but TWO peg knights. Raise the roof...
The single Peg knight swift reforms right next to the SOB's.
After much deliberation and measuring, we concluded that the KoTR unit does have the flank charge to which that are practically an auto-in. Ouch... He focused my BSB and my Shaman and wasted them.
aaaaaaand this doesn't end well for the lobba. :(
Told ya...
At this point I needed to get going and that game had gone downhill for me so fast that it was clearly a Bretonnian victory. My Black Orcs were pretty much in full force but not enough to run the table.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game and look forward to a rematch!
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