Big Mek Shokk Attack Gun
10 Grots
30 Boyz - x2 Rokkits
Nob - PK, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armour, Rokkit
19 Boyz - x1 Rokkit
Nob - PK, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armour, Rokkit
Battlewagon - x4 Big Shoota, Kannon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Burna Bommer - x4 Skorcha Missles, Red Paint
Dakka Jet - x3 TL Supa Shootas, Red Paint, Fighta Ace
05 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits, Big Bomm
05 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits, Big Bomm
03 Deffkoptas - x3 TL Rokkits
15 Lootas
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x2 Big Shoota, Ram, 'Ard Case
Craftworld Ulthwé
10 Wraithguard
Warlock - Spiritseer/Conceal
Farseer - Spirit Stones Guide/Fortune
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch PW/Shield
Bladestorm and Defend
Farseer - Spirit Stones Guide/Fortune
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch PW/Shield
Bladestorm and Defend
5 Jetbikes - x1 Shuriken Cannon
5 Jetbikes - x1 Shuriken Cannon
Wraithlord - x2 Flamer Wraithsword, Bright Lance
Wraithlord - x2 Shuriken Catapult, Brightlance, Eldar Missile Launcher
Wraithlord - x2 Flamer, Wraithsword
Eldar Turn 1: Moves everything up and starts putting heavy fire on my battlewagon from his Wraithlord and Wraithguard. I shrug them all off as shaken but take 3 hull points. All his jetbikes end up on the north side of the board and puts quite a few shots into my first unit of 5 deffkoptas and forces them to run. The northerern Wraithlord charges my unit of boyz and issues a challenge on my nob. My boyz are useless against T8 so I accept with the Nob hoping he will wiff (like last game) and I can power klaw his face off. Unfortunately it did not end in such a fantasy and he locked my 30 man boyz squad in combat for the rest of the game, though I did manage to take a single wound from a rokkit via-overwatch. Moral victory? I find it funny that the lowliest of infantry can assualt a vehicle and find it's "weak spots" but when 3 furious orks fight a Wraithlord that run around with their pants on the ground.
Orks Turn 2: Both my Dakka Jet & Burna Bomma are able to come on (thanks to my warlord trait) and get ready for mayhem. I cautiously move what's left of my Deffkoptas back and try to put some distance between myself and the Avatar.
In the shooting phase, I called a Waaagh and put enough shots from the Dakka Jet onto the injured Wraithlord to clear him from the table. I focused the south most dire avengers unit with my shoota boyz after moving back just enough to stay within range (and gain LOS) and my unit of 3 koptas killing quite a few. I focused both of the larger Kopta units on the Wraithguard unit, inflicting 7 wounds (S8/AP3!!!) and the bastard saved every single one on a 5+ cover with Fortune. ASDFGH236wetJKL:.... ldlar trickery at it's finest...
The Burna Bomma put 2 skorcha missles on the Avatar causing 1 wound which was saved via-invul. My Shokkattack gun rolls an 11 and manages to put a wound on Eldrad. My lootas obliterated the 2 jetbikes that were wrecking my back lines.
Eldar Turn 3: Not much happens here. He parks his Avatar in the forest so he can give a fearless bubble. He sends his final dire avenger and Exarch in the forest as well to try and deny the kill point. He shoots his final two jetbikes behind a rock on the far east side of the table to deny yet another kill point. The wraithguard move up and put shots on my shoota boyz killing quite a few. He later assaults them and wastes them to no end.
Orks Turn 3: Another turn of rokkit frustration. Out of 8 koptas, i killed hit twice, wounded twice and killed zero.The Burna Bomma attempted a bombing run on his Wraithguard and the scattered off and did nothing. The bommer went off the table and back into reserves. My remaining 12 lootas rolled a whopping 12 shots but killed 3 Dire Avengers. My Dakka Jet move a perfect 19" and just 1" outside of his northern unit and killed 4 more Dire Avengers.
Eldar win 6-4 ORKS WIN!
Big Mek Shokk Attack Gun
10 Grots
30 Boyz - x2 Rokkits
Nob - PK, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armour, Rokkit
19 Boyz - x1 Rokkit
Nob - PK, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armour, Rokkit
Battlewagon - x4 Big Shoota, Kannon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Rigger
Burna Bommer - x4 Skorcha Missles, Red Paint
Dakka Jet - x3 TL Supa Shootas, Red Paint, Fighta Ace
05 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits, Big Bomm
05 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits, Big Bomm
03 Deffkoptas - x3 TL Rokkits
15 Lootas
Looted Wagon - Boom Gun, x2 Big Shoota, Ram, 'Ard Case
Craftworld Ulthwé
10 Wraithguard
Warlock - Spiritseer/Conceal
Farseer - Spirit Stones Guide/Fortune
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch PW/Shield
Bladestorm and Defend
Farseer - Spirit Stones Guide/Fortune
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch PW/Shield
Bladestorm and Defend
5 Jetbikes - x1 Shuriken Cannon
5 Jetbikes - x1 Shuriken Cannon
Wraithlord - x2 Flamer Wraithsword, Bright Lance
Wraithlord - x2 Shuriken Catapult, Brightlance, Eldar Missile Launcher
Wraithlord - x2 Flamer, Wraithsword
Eldar Deployment
Ork Deployment (with 12" scout bubble move)
Eldar Turn 1: Moves everything up and starts putting heavy fire on my battlewagon from his Wraithlord and Wraithguard. I shrug them all off as shaken but take 3 hull points. All his jetbikes end up on the north side of the board and puts quite a few shots into my first unit of 5 deffkoptas and forces them to run. The northerern Wraithlord charges my unit of boyz and issues a challenge on my nob. My boyz are useless against T8 so I accept with the Nob hoping he will wiff (like last game) and I can power klaw his face off. Unfortunately it did not end in such a fantasy and he locked my 30 man boyz squad in combat for the rest of the game, though I did manage to take a single wound from a rokkit via-overwatch. Moral victory? I find it funny that the lowliest of infantry can assualt a vehicle and find it's "weak spots" but when 3 furious orks fight a Wraithlord that run around with their pants on the ground.
Turn 'round, you gits!
Orks Turn 1: I move up and put several rokkit shots into his Wraithlord knocking him down to 1 wound, huzzah! My fleeing koptas were able to rally, so that helped. I lay a bunch of shoota dakka on his Dire Avengers from the boyz in the battlewagon and kill 2 or 3 and from the 3 man kopta squad, killing another. My Lootas, Boomgun and Shokk Attack Gun make quick work of most of the jet bikes on the north side.
Bottom of Turn 1
Eldar Turn 2: Beginning to fear the Rokkit spam, he begins to focus my kopta squads. He sent what was left of one jetbike squadrons over towards my lootas and began to blast the bejeezus out of them, killing 3. He fires a Brightlance from his Wraithlord into my Boomgun and it explodes. The Wraithlord in combat continues to chop boyz to pieces. Being fearless sucks right now...
Bottom of Eldar 2
(shot taken right after I brought my planes in for my turn...ignore them)
Orks Turn 2: Both my Dakka Jet & Burna Bomma are able to come on (thanks to my warlord trait) and get ready for mayhem. I cautiously move what's left of my Deffkoptas back and try to put some distance between myself and the Avatar.
In the shooting phase, I called a Waaagh and put enough shots from the Dakka Jet onto the injured Wraithlord to clear him from the table. I focused the south most dire avengers unit with my shoota boyz after moving back just enough to stay within range (and gain LOS) and my unit of 3 koptas killing quite a few. I focused both of the larger Kopta units on the Wraithguard unit, inflicting 7 wounds (S8/AP3!!!) and the bastard saved every single one on a 5+ cover with Fortune. ASDFGH236wetJKL:.... ldlar trickery at it's finest...
The Burna Bomma put 2 skorcha missles on the Avatar causing 1 wound which was saved via-invul. My Shokkattack gun rolls an 11 and manages to put a wound on Eldrad. My lootas obliterated the 2 jetbikes that were wrecking my back lines.
Bottom of Orks 2
Eldar Turn 3: Not much happens here. He parks his Avatar in the forest so he can give a fearless bubble. He sends his final dire avenger and Exarch in the forest as well to try and deny the kill point. He shoots his final two jetbikes behind a rock on the far east side of the table to deny yet another kill point. The wraithguard move up and put shots on my shoota boyz killing quite a few. He later assaults them and wastes them to no end.
Orks Turn 3: Another turn of rokkit frustration. Out of 8 koptas, i killed hit twice, wounded twice and killed zero.The Burna Bomma attempted a bombing run on his Wraithguard and the scattered off and did nothing. The bommer went off the table and back into reserves. My remaining 12 lootas rolled a whopping 12 shots but killed 3 Dire Avengers. My Dakka Jet move a perfect 19" and just 1" outside of his northern unit and killed 4 more Dire Avengers.
No pics of turn 3 or 4 because i forgot :(
Eldar turn 4: He moves his Avatar out of the forest and tries to lay waste on a deffkopta unit. They overwatch and God himself takes a wound. He more or less whiffs and my koptas successfully hit and run away. His wraithguard move up and run towards my lootas. This cannot end well if I don't wast them somehow...
Ork Turn 4: Both my planes go off the board and back into reserves. I move one unit of 3 koptas back past my lootas and kill two wraithguard. The other unit of koptas puts 2 wounds on the avatar! awwww yeah!
Eldar Turn 5: I honestly cannot remember what happened here. I think his wraithguard failed their charge into my lootas or something. I can't remember what the hell the Avatar was doing either.
End of Ork Movement turn 5.
Those Wraithguard are right on my doorstep...ffffffffffffuuuuuuu
Ork Turn 5: I focus all my shots from every loota, rokkit launcha and a direct hit Shokk Attack Gun shot S7 Ap2 into his wraithguard unit and kill all but 1, Eldrad and the Warlock. Boooyaaa, stupid elves! My Dakka Jet whiffs on the Avatar kill point and the burna bomma whiffs of the Dire Avenger kill point via- cover saves.
Bottom of Ork turn 5, after the Shokk Attack Gun/Rokkit carnage.
Does the game continue?!
Overall, this game was a blast and look forward to playing 2k pt games. The double force org really spices things up. As for the future, I promise to pay more attention when capturing further battle reports and take better pictures.
Nice Batrep!
ReplyDeleteMan I love the look of your Dakka jet.
Looks great with the muzzle flash.