Mission: Crucible of War
Victory Conditions: Victory Points (Primary/Secondary)
Primary Objective: Central Comm Station (3 points)
Secondary: Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker
Black Templar (Attacker)
Warlord Traits - Master of Offense
- Emperor's Champion - AAC
- 5 Sword Brethren Assault Terminators - x3 Thunderhammer/Stormshield, x2 Lightning Claws
- Master of Sanctity - Plasma Pistol, Artificer, Holy Orb of Antioch, Terminator Honors
- 5 Sword Brethren Assault Terminators - x5 Thunderhammer/Stormshield
- Land Raider Crusader - Smoke
- Venerable Dreadnought - Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Extra Armour, Venerable, Tank Hunter
- 8 Crusader Squad - Plasma, Las Cannon
- 8 Crusader Squad - Plasma, Las Cannon
- Vindicator - Extra Armour, POTMS
- Vindicator - Extra Armour, POTMS
Orks (Defender)
Warlord Traits - Conqueror of Cities
- Warboss - PK, Rokkit-Kombi, 'Eavy Armour, Ammo Runt, Attack Squig, Cybork Body
- x5 Nobs (troop) - x2 Pk, x3 Big Choppa, x5 Rokkit-Kombi, x5 'Eavy Armour, x5 Cybork, FNP
- Painboy, FNP
- Battlewagon - x3 Rokkits, Deff Rolla, Red Paint
- 25 Shoota Boyz - x1 Rokkits
- Nob - PK, Rokkit Launcha, 'Eavy, Bosspole
- 11 Tankbustas - x1 Tankhammer, x3 Bomb Squig
- 5 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits
- 5 Deffkoptas - x5 TL Rokkits
- 3 Killa Kans - x3 Rokkits
- 3 Killa Kans - x3 Rokkits
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ork Deployment: We didn't have access to something big enough/similair enough to the Comm Station in bird's-eye-view picture in the book so we did the best we could with two Bastions. We agreed that they connect to eachother via-bridge which would allow my models to stay within coherency.
Crucible states that the defender must deploy within 12" of the Comm Station and that I must keep D3 units in reserve. I rolled a 4 and elected one unit of Killa Kans and my Tankbustas (probbaly a good idea with Surprise Assault crater my opponent can place within 12" of my Comm Station.
I figured the Surprise Assault crater would be in my back yard so I I decided to put a unit of 5 Koptas and 3 Kans in the back so that I could get enough rokkit shots on anything that decided to come through that hole.
Backside Ork Deployment
I lined my other unit of Koptas and my Nobwagon up on the line while my Shoota Boyz perched the watchtower.
Frontside Ork Depolyment (pre-scout moves)
Black Templar Turn 1
Now this first picture might seem a little confusing as to how an 8 man crusader squad and 5 terminators made it on my side of the board on turn 1. Well, approximately 4 inches behind those Terminators there is suppose to be a small blast template representing the Surprise Assault crater. The attacker can send any normal infantry unit through the hole and get all up in my grill. Parker forgot that it needed to stay there and picked it up before I took the picture.
Black Templar move on from attacker table edge
Assaulter's secret passage in my back lines
(Don't touch, Parker! Leave it!)
Black Templar turn 1 wasn't very exciting. He brought one Crusader Squad and an Assault Terminator squad on through the Surprise Attack hole. He shot at my Killa Kans on the back line with plasma and Las but missed both.
Ork Turn 1
Battlwagon and both units of Deffkoptas moved up. One unit of Koptas put 5 rokkits into the LRC and managed to leach a hull point. The other squad shot one of the vindicators and took 2 hull points and caused a stunned result. Battlwagon moved up to it's 13th inch.
Fired my 2 rokkits from my boyz into the Crusader squad in my back lines and missed. Fire 3 rokkits into the same Crusader squad with my Kans, managed 1 wound but was saved on a 4+ ruins save.
Note: I took the picture above before I moved my kans. Battlefield shots from here on are taken at the end of the turn. /facepalm
Black Templar Turn 2
Parker moves his Vindicators behind a ruined wreck and forgets to move his LRC! FOOL! However, his LRC kills a Deffkopta, wounds another and his one shootable Vindicator scatters 2 inches and tags 1 Kopta but I made my Jink save. The Vindicator puts another wound on a different kopta (front to back, yeah!) from his storm bolter.
On my flank, his Las Cannon and Plasma Gun put a pen and a glance on one of my kans, wrecking it. His flanking Terminator squad moves out of the ruin and runs forwards to get ready and steal the objective. He only needs one full turn in base contact with the Comm Station to destroy it and gain 3 VP's.
Ork Turn 2
(Parker moved his termies back before I took the picture. Didn't notice until now.)
Tankbustas come on from reserves while the second Killa Kan unit fails to come on. One unit of Deffkoptas moved back a full 6" while the other unit moved up about 3". Battlewagon moved up 7". I unload an asinine amount of Rokkits (28 to be exact) into the LRC and manage to only do...
One more glancing hit... effing AV14...
My Nobs fired their Kombi-rokkits into the Dreadnought, ripping off it's assault cannon and knocking it down to 1 hull point. It is only when you are writing a battle report do you remember that you have ammo-runts to reroll those kombi-misses. /facepalm
On the backside, I managed to kill 3 terminators from Rokkits via-Kans and the boyz in the tower. Not to shabby! They failed leadership and ran back into the ruins.
Black Templar Turn 3
LRC takes out 2 more deffkoptas putting 2 in one unit and 4 in another. One vindicator lands a direct hit on my Deffkoptas and I make ALL of my jink saves. /raisestheroomandletsthedogsout His second viindicator scattered and clipped one kopta and my battlewagon (front armour 14) and didn't manage to do anything to either.
Dreadnought attempted an assault on my battlewagon but failed. I think he needed a 10 and rolled an 8.
Here is where it get's juicy! The Crusader squad in the back flank put a pen on one of my kans and caused a weapon destroyed (rokkit). The remaining 3 terminators and Emperors Champion in the back flank assaulted my 2 remaining kill kans to which I overwatched one rokkit, HIT, WOUNDED, and he rolled a 1. The emperors champion had 5 attacks and whiffed all his attacks to which I retaliated at I2 and wasted the squad with 5 DCCW wounds.
Orks Turn 3
My second unit of Kans came on from reserve and started making their way up the east side of the board. My Warboss and Nob Squad got out of the Battlewagon and moved 6 towards his Crusader squad. The Battlewagon Rammed the LRC but only managed to roll a 1 for Deff Rolla and managed to glance it for it's 3rd hull point. Launched 2 rokkits from the Comm Station into the LRC and managed to take the final hull point, wrecking it.
My nob squad opens fire on the Crusader squad with their shootas dealing 5 wounds and he saves them all. I need an 8 to assault and I fail my charge and roll a 6. He manages to insta-gib the front nob with plasma and manages to put 2 more wounds, (allocated with LoS!) on two more nobs. Eek...The Nob Squad has a lot of repenting to do...
"Tie ur shooz and dat wont 'appen, ladz!!" - Warboss Kungen
Black Templar Turn 4
Back flank crusader squad killed another Kan and put a wound on the final git. One of his vindicators managed to kill another 2 koptas while the other one completely scattered off my Tankbustas and killed a Killa Kan on the east side of the board. The Crusader squad shot at my nobz and manged to instant kill one and put a wound on another with plasma. His Dreadnought hit two with it's Heavy Flamer but were cybork/FNP saved. The dreadnought charged my Nob squad, he killed one and my nobs wasted him. I consolidated 4" right into the doorstep of his Terminator unit.
"'Allo, Ladz! Got ne sugar?" -Warboss Kungen
Ork Turn 4
My kopta squads move to the far east side as much as possible while still remaining within ranged of his terminators. My east side Kans moved up in place of the koptas to gain LOS. Tankbustas moved forward and to the left away from LOS of the vindicator so they could shoot at who they please. My final flank Kan missed it's only rokkit while my Battlewagon attempts to nail his first vindicator doing 1 on the d6 roll and managed to completely whiff.
Deffrolla...you're about to be put on administrative leave.
I wanted to soften that terminator squad up some before what was left of my Nob squad assaulted. My koptas killed 3 terminators (good 'enuff!) while my Tankbustas open fired on the crusader squad killing two. My nobs unleashed their shootas into the Terminator squad before assaulting and managed to kill another! Huzzah!
Painboy: *blink blink* AHHHHHHHHH!!!
Once I assault, I don't offer any challenged but Parker issues one against my Warboss. Silly git, dis squad iz ALL charaktaz! I happily accepted with my pain boy. The EC put five wounds on the painboy and I saved 3 via-invul...so close...
In the meantime, my Warboss and final Nob made quick work of those remaining terminators. Silly gits.
In addition, I sent a bomb squig into the tac squad and it did absolutely nothing. meh.
Black Templar Turn 5
Photo too blurry for the common man
Parker throws a demolisher cannon direct hit on my Tankbustas and annihilates 5 while his crusader squad picked off 3 more. I insane couraged my leadership roll and live to see another turn. Master of Sanctity challenges again, I accept with my Warboss, deal 3 PK wounds and recieve 2 wounds. He invuls all 3 and I fail my two saves putting me down to 1 wound.
Once upon a time there were Tankbustas...then their weren't...
Ork Turn 5
(no battlefield picture...oops)
My remaining koptas and kans move up toward his crusader squad and kill all but 1. He fails his leadership and runs toward table edge. My Deffrolla rams 13" and manages to hit both Vindicators and causes Explode! to both.
Deffrolla officially reinstated.
I throw a challenged with my Warboss for funsies and get wasted. He manged 5 wounds on 5 attacks and I saved ZERO.
We roll for turn 6 and it is a no go. The boyz successfully held the comm tower and I managed to tag all available secondary objectives as well!
3 Comm Tower
1 First Blood
1 Warlord (Emperor's Champion)
Black Templar
1 Warlord
ORKS WIN 5-1!!!!
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