Thursday, February 25, 2016

An Open Letter to GW Concerning Orks: Mob Rule + Da Boss Iz Watchin'

Here is an open letter I recently sent GW regarding the silliness that is Mob Rule + Da Boss Iz Watchin'. 

To whom it may concern,

I would like to really break down the rules Mob Rule from Codex: Orks and Da Boss Iz Watchin' from Waaagh! Ghazghkull supplement and get a true and honest answer from your rules department.

I also ask that you PLEASE forward this letter to the proper channels and PLEASE do not just shrug it off. It is very important to me.

Before we get started, I want to post the rules for you to read in their entirety, as written in both Codex: Orks & Waaagh! Ghazghkull


If every model in a unit has this special rule, and the unit fails a Morale check or Pinning test (after any re-rolls they may have), roll immediately on the following table:

D6 Result
1 Born to Fight: Orks love fighting, and the prospect of a good punch-up will sometimes stop them from running off.
 If the unit is locked in combat, it is treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test. If the unit is not locked in combat, it fails the Morale check or Pinning test.

2-3 Breaking Heads: The mob’s leader knocks a few heads together until the ladz settle down and get back in the fight. 
If the unit includes one or more Ork characters (including Independent Characters), it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test. These hits are Randomly Allocated, but cannot be allocated to Ork characters (any excess hits are lost). If the unit does not include any Ork characters, it fails the Morale check or Pinning test.

4-6 Squabble: A brawl breaks out as the Orks
decide what to do. When the dust settles, nobody can remember what the trouble was about in the first place.
 If the unit has 10 or more models, it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test. The hits are Randomly Allocated. If the unit has fewer than 10 models, it fails the Morale check or Pinning test.

Units with the Mob Rule special rule (see Codex: Orks) that include at least one model from this Detachment or Formation gain a +2 modifier to any rolls on the Mob Rule table. However, should any of these units suffer hits from the Breaking Heads or Squabble results on the Mob Rule table, they will suffer D3+3 Strength 4 AP- hits instead of D6 Strength 4 AP- hits.

For the past 2 years, the Ork community has been clawing their eyes out at the widely acceptable interpretation that the +2 added to the Mob Rule table would change the table to completely eliminate Born To Fight, making the only options Breaking Heads and Squabble, thus making every option the really crappy D3+3 S4 Ap- hits.

Effectively, the chart works as so with the current interpretation...

1 Breaking Heads

2-6 Squabble.

This makes absolutely no sense. If "The Boss" is "Watching", then there would be MORE order, not LESS order. Squabble is to represent a lack of order, so much to the point that fights break out within the ranks. Breaking Heads is to represent the Nob or Warboss crackin' skulls and getting them in line. Born to Fight (which becomes non-existent in the current interpretation) is to signify absolute and unwavering discipline once the boyz are in a fight (No Ork likes getting shot in the face. It's more cowardly to get shot in the face than it is to actually run away...which is really just running to a different bigger and better fight. Orks 101. Any true Ork player knows this.)

However, I have been wondering if the +2 Modifier is intended to work backwards. Think about it. The Goffs are known for excessive violence and under the rule of Ghazghkull, there is more order than ever. In addition, the rules themselves actually make more sense and don't eliminate 33% of the rule itself. Here is my new interpretation of the rules (and of course the posing argument).

1-3 Born to Fight - Goffs are the most violent and most disciplined in combat. They fight more than the other klans. They WANT to get in combat AT ALL COSTS. Once they are in a fight, they ARE NOT RUNNING. Again, unwavering discipline.

4-5 Breaking Heads - Still a 33% chance of breaking heads. The Boss will crack down hard with this version of the chart. D3+3 is no joke, ya gitz! GET IN LINE!

6 - Squabble - Only a 16% chance of chaos letting loose within the ranks. The discipline is so strong in Ghazzy's ranks, that the chance of squabbles are minimal.

THIS makes WAY more sense. Not only does it FORCE the player to get into combat (otherwise run for the hills), it more accurately represents the discipline of the Goffs.

IN ADDITION, having an even GREATER chance of sticking in Combat and having even MORE violent command, it makes a lot more sense that if you actually do roll Breaking Heads or Squabble punishing you with even harder hits; hence the D3+3 instead of D6.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send this to the proper channels. The Orks have sooooo much potential and I truly think this FAQ alone would send a pretty massive spike in Ork sales.

Orks are my life, and while I NEVER EVER EVER EVER want to be as powerful and ridiculous as Eldar and Tau, I still want to be more than "Oh this should be an easy game, but should be fun". It hurts my soul.

ps. Please give Flash Gitz their 4+ armour save back. It was a really silly change and this would be another amazing opportunity to sell a crap ton of Flash Gitz.

I still love you guys, always and forever.

Ryan Couch
Ork Extraordinaire

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