My buddy Parker and I haven't played against each other in months and decided to throw down! I had only taken my Night Lords out once before which ended in a crushing defeat by the Waraith's of Craftworld Ulthwe. I was really excited to take these gents out for a nice battle against the Imperium.
Click Read More for full details
Click Read More for full details
The Setup:
Dawn of War
Big Guns Never Tire
x4 Objectives
The Lists
The Night Lords
Night Lord - Mark of Tzeentch, Sigil of Corruption, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Jump Pack, Vets
04 Raptors - x2 BP/CS, Meltagun, Flamer, Vets
01 Raptor Champion - Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs, Icon of Vengeance
04 Raptors - x2 BP/CS, Meltagun, Flamer, Vets
01 Raptor Champion - Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs, Icon of Vengeance
01 Heldrake - Baleflamer
19 Chaos Space Marines - x18 BP, x1 Plasma Pistol, Vets
01 Aspiring Champion - Plasma Pistol, Powerfist
09 Chaos Space Marines - x7 Boltguns, Meltagun, Flamer
01 Aspiring Champion - Power Sword, Plasma Pistol
01 Rhino - Combi-Bolter, Dozer Blade, Dirge Caster
09 Chaos Space Marines - x7 Boltguns, Meltagun, Flamer
01 Aspiring Champion - Power Sword, Plasma Pistol
01 Rhino - Combi-Bolter, Dozer Blade, Dirge Caster
04 Chaos Terminators - x2 Combi-Plasma, Reaper Autocannon, Combi-Melta, x2 Chain Fist, Vets
01 Terminator Champion - Dual Lightning Claws
04 Havocs - x4 Autocannon
01 Champion - Combi-Boltgun
01 Aegis Defense Line - Quad-Gun
The Black Templar
Marshal (Warlord) - TDA,Storm Bolter, Chain Fist, BionicsTDA Command Squad - Sgt., x2 Cyclone Missile Launcher
Emperor's Champion - aac
10/5 Crusader Squad - Power Axe, Flamer
10/5 Crusader Squad - Power Axe, Flamer
Storm Raven - TLLC, MM
Storm Raven - Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters, MM
2nd Detachment
Chaplain - Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol
5/1 Crusader Squad - Rocket, Plasma Gun
5/1 Crusader Squad - Rocket, Plasma Gun
05 Assault Squad - Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword
05 Assault Squad - Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword
Turn 1
I moved moved everyone up and ran the BP/CS blob. Left Rhino went cruising speed and the right rhino went into cover from his Terminators. Havocs and ADL fired at the group in the bunker killing two and causing them to run 3 inches.
Another view from above. In the assault phase, my units crushed most of his 10/5 crusader squad, unfortunately he was fearless and three dudes stuck around. The other unit on the small ruin terrain was cleaned up and I moved in with my terminators enough to at least contest.
Two Raptors contesting the objective while the final two Terminators are held up by the remaining Crusaders.
A back end view showing my Jump Pack Warlord hiding in the shadows ready to attack when the Templars least expect it...
Parker starts his crusade!
Parker pretty much moves everyone up. He takes a hullpoint from each rhino and the one in the middle of the board cannot move next turn. I'm rather new to marines and I forget that I can pop smoke. Sue me.
Turn 2
My Lord's raptor unit direct hit deep strikes right at the bottom of the hill in front of one of his crusader squads while the terminators scatter back on the other side of some small ruins (under his arm).The Heldrake comes on (Black Storm Raven counts as) and kills 5 neophytes and an initiate. I was somewhat stupid and used my baleflamer before my raptor flamer which put my raptor flamer out of range of this 10/5 Crusader Squad. I ended up shooting 5/1 squad in the small ruins next to the objective and killed three. The Terminators open fired on the 10/5 Crusader Squad and killed two.
Another view from above. In the assault phase, my units crushed most of his 10/5 crusader squad, unfortunately he was fearless and three dudes stuck around. The other unit on the small ruin terrain was cleaned up and I moved in with my terminators enough to at least contest.
Turn 3
My blob breaks hard right towards his other Crusader Squad around the corner as well as his terminators who are trekking through the difficult terrain of what use to be one my rhinos. I end up failing my 6 inch charge with my blob squad which was quite embarrassing. On his turn he also failed his charge out of the difficult with her Terminators. We concluded that both units need to go back to assault school. Just terrible. (more so on my part)
My blob breaks hard right towards his other Crusader Squad around the corner as well as his terminators who are trekking through the difficult terrain of what use to be one my rhinos. I end up failing my 6 inch charge with my blob squad which was quite embarrassing. On his turn he also failed his charge out of the difficult with her Terminators. We concluded that both units need to go back to assault school. Just terrible. (more so on my part)
Two Raptors contesting the objective while the final two Terminators are held up by the remaining Crusaders.
A back end view showing my Jump Pack Warlord hiding in the shadows ready to attack when the Templars least expect it...
Turn 4
Remember by epic Jump Pack Warlord hiding in the shadows ready to attack when the Templars least expect it?
They found him... dead 3+/3++ Warlod. Oh well :(
They found him... dead 3+/3++ Warlod. Oh well :(
Turn 5
Both of his flyers are wrecking shop at this point but his Raven closest to my table edge is about to get wasted by 4 autocannon Havocs and a Quad-Gun. Also, one of my havocs moved just within 3 inches of an Objective pulling another point for the Night Lords.
A Gentlemans Game
Overall this was one of the most fun games I have played in a while. Other than the final score, the game never felt one sided. We both did equal amounts of destruction to each other's armies and had a great time in the process. The major determining factor in this game was Big Guns Never Tire. Had this been Kill Point game, it would have probably swayed more in favor of the Templars. Parker is a great opponent and though we both sometimes get irritated with one-sided games, I feel we both felt this one was one of the more enjoyable bouts.
Until next time!
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