Monday, September 24, 2012

WHFB Battle Report - 2500 - Orcs & Goblins vs. Beastmen (pic heavy!)

Let me preface this batrep with that this game was played about 5 months ago and has been lingering in my phone for as long. Luckily for me I had written the batrep narrative out a few days after the game and recently discovered it. So I thought I would post this game up and be done with it. This is by far one of the oddest games I have played. I can tell you right now my tactics as an Orc & Goblin player have greatly improved since this was played. Some of the decisions made during this battle confuse my greatly but a great fight nonetheless. Excuse the overload of pictures. I normally do not take as many pictures as I did in this battle report. I think I was experimenting with the batrep capture process.


30 Bestigor w/ +1 Beastlord. I can't remember exactly what gear he has but I do know he has a 1+ re-rollable armour save. 

2 units of 30 xhw Gorr. Left unit with BSB. Right w/ lvl 4 Bray Shaman.

Gorrbull w/ 3 Minotaurs 

1 Razorgor chariot (not pictured)

Horde block of 100 NG, spears, shields, nets
lvl 2 NG Shaman (Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon)
NG Big Boss BSB w/ Bad Moon Banner
Unit of 2 Goblin Wolf Chariots
Mangler Squig

Black Orc Warboss on a Warboar w/ Battleaxe of Da Last Waaaagh 
More of a fun build on the Warboss. I really built him for the sake of playing with the overpriced weapon more than true survivability. 

Horde of 30 Savage Orc Big’uns w/ xhw 
Lvl 3 Savage Orc Great Shaman (Lucky Shrunken Head, Crown of Command, Obsidian Trinket) 
Doom Diver on the Hill 
Rock Lobba on the tower

Beastmen Turn 1
Gorrs, Chariot & Bestigor move up. Bestigor choosing to hang a right towards the NG. 

Both blocks of Gorr and Minotaurs March forward. 

Beastmen Magic 1
The Winds of Magic is strong with the Beastmen.  Sean is rather notorious for having good magic phases and high dice rolls. 

Wysann’s Wildform on Bray Shaman unit.  I attempted to dispel but failed. Needed a 13, rolles an 11.  He successfully casts Amber Spear on the Mangler but I scroll it. No shooting. 

O&G Turn 1 
Animosity passed and everyone moves a normal 4”. I’m playing against my usual tactics and going defensive trying to avoid the charges. Not very orky of me. For shame... 

I sling the Wolf Chariots in front of the Mangler Squig. 

Another angle. 

O&G Magic Phase 1 
Irresistible Foot of Gork on the Minotaur unit! WAAAAGH!

My lovely target. I can taste the delicious stomping as I speak. 

Yeeeessss. Ready for it?!

Fail. It scatters exactly 3cm behind the back Minotaur. I roll again on the chart and Gork gets bored and wonders off. :( Shaman rolls a 6 on miscast chart and takes a wound. I lose 2 orcs in the process.
Beastmen player uses his anti-shooting thing.  Both the diver and the lobba roll under 4. No shooting for me. 

Beastmen Turn 2 
Tuskgor Chariot attempts a charge on the wolf chariots to avoid 2D6+2 impact hits. Unfortunately, he forgot about my fanatics. 

He moves the chariot back in it’s respective path 8” away and I release the fanatics. 

Fanatics make quick work of the chariot and are on their way to greener pastures. 

Ouch. Furthest right Gorr unit fails their charge and stop in the Fear Forrest. They needed a 6 to charge and rolls a 5. Left unit and the Minotaur unit make their charges exactly on the money. So at this point I’m getting super cranky and I start to become a little short. This is unusual behavior for me and the beastmen player notices my shortness. I quickly realize that I hadn’t eaten in about 14 hours. Oops. I’m also cranky that I kept nudging my Savage Orcs back and forth during my movement phase in order to fail a charge. In the end I decided to give myself the extra inch for my own charges on their failures. Unfortunately, I took the charge. If I had moved them back one inch, all 3 units would have failed their charges. Oh well.

Beastmen Turn 2 Magic 
Remember what I said earlier about Sean and ridiculous Winds of Magic? n/m.

Amber spear knocks 2 wounds off the mangler squig. I attempted to dispel it but failed by 3. 

Savage Orcs are hit with Miasma lowering their WS to 1. This is going to hurt... 

And it does. 21 wounds inflicted, I am only able to save 2 killing 19.  Thanks a lot Shrunken Head. I appreciate your undeniable dedication to this battle...

Wolf Chariots charge Bray Shaman unit. I later do 5 impact hit wounds and he saves 4. 

Black Orc horde flank charges the Gorrs. Show him whooz da boss! Orcs is da best! 

Fanatic misses his buddies so much, he decides to come back home. He is not wanted. 

Middle Fanatic does a whole lotta’ nothing. 

White hat clips the edge of the Bestigor unit. Rolls 5 hits at S5 armour piercing. 

I roll 4 1’s to wound. What the hell is going on here? I know Orcs are random, but geeze louise! Worst fanatics ever. 

So, I managed to take some really bad pictures this magic phase. Most of them were so blurry that I just dumped them all together. Here I get ‘Ere We Go! off on the Savage Orcs but he dispells it. I also got a Fist of Gork on my Savage Orc Shaman but he dispells that too. Unfortunately for him, he ran out of dice and my true cunning plan comes into fruition! buahahah! I throw Sneaky Stabbin on my Black Orcs in the flank giving them armour piercing as well as rerolls to hit & wound. Sorry for the sideways picture, blogger is terrible at picture rotation...or great the lack-there-of feature.

I think I forgot to mention in my movement phase, the middle fanatic rolled double and strangled himself to death. What an idiot. I also completelyI forgot my shooting phase this turn because I suck.

In the end it looks like this. I had this eerie feeling in my stomach for the rest of the game that I forgot to reroll to wound. Anywho, this is the result. I didn’t quite delete the Gorrs. I’m pretty sure I forgot to reroll to wound. Both units flee. The Gorrbull goes 10” but my Savage Orcs seemed to of left their PF Flyers at home because they go a whopping 2”. The Gorr unit runs 11” and my Black Orcs go 4”. (sigh)

Gorrs move back away from mangler. 

Gorrs & Gorrbull both rally. Ugh.

What’s left of the other Gorr unit rally’s heroicly. *shakes fist at Sean's dice*

Beastmen Turn 3 Magic
Amber spear finishes the Mangler Squig off. Bastard. This thing gets sniped in almost every single game. I probably should have been more aggressive with it. I usually am but I held back for fear of losing him turn one. Oh well, lesson learned. 

I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the Beastmen turn so i’ll catch you up during my Turn 4.  He got Wysann’s Wildform off on the Gorrs and n my turn, my NG marched up 8”. I think I forgot to do my fanatic. damn... 

Savage orcs charge the Gorrs and Black Orcs charge the Gorrbull. I did something kind of stupid here. In an attempt to come out on top with the Savage orcs, I called a Waaagh this turn. I really should have saved it for when I face the bestigor. This was kind of a waste since my general is in the unit taking on the single Gorrbull. 

Another shot of the Black Orcs charging his Gorrbull. 

Beastmen player fails his Primal Fury (yet another reason the waaagh was a wate) and pretty much does nothing. They lose by 3 or 4 and fail Ld. and get run down. Unfortunately I run them down a good 10” which concerns me with magic distance.

Gorrbull dies. bleeeeegh 

Beastmen Turn 4
Gorr unit charges NG tarpit. He takes a Bad Moon Banner dangerous terrain test and rolls eight 1’s. Eight gorrs dead! huzzah! BSB pretty much paid for itself right there. However, I net myself. Woops.Bestigors Swift Reforms and moves 5 towards the Black Orc unit. 

I let Wildform goes off and he gets an Irresistible Savage Beast of Horros. I can’t remember what he rolled on the miscast table, but he saved all wounds on his shaman with his +4. 

He issues a challenge and I accept with my champion. My champion folds like origami and then he focuses 6 gorr on my BSB and punch him in the face. In the end I lose and fail steadfast rolling and run. Fortunately he pursues 2 inches. LOLOL

Orcs & Goblins Turn 3
Night Goblins rally! Huzzah!

The Black Orcs charge the Gorr unit.

Orcs & Goblins Turn 3 Magic
I throw an Itchy Nuisance on the Bestigor and reduce their movement by 3.

Doom Diver kills 2 Gorr over yonder by the Night Goblins.

Rock Lobba in the tower misfires! BLAST!!!

The Gorr unit loses and the Black Orcs choose to reform towards the Bestigor. The Savage Orcs are frantically marching back towards the middle of the board for magic range.

Beastmen Turn 4
The Gorr unit who fails Ld with boxcars and runs...BOX CARS!! Right off the table! The Bestigor attempt to charge and fail, moving 3 inches.

What's left of this Gorr unit charge the Night Goblins, fail primal fury, and I somehow manage to tie combat.

Orcs & Goblins Turn 4

Orcs & Goblins Turn 4 Magic
Winds of Magic was poor and managed 3 dice. I have no idea why I cast Itchy Nuisance but it was pretty useless...herp derp...

Orcs beat some beastmen face in!

Beastmen retaliate :(

Night Goblins win combat and run the unit down. 

Savage Orcs are close backing up the Black Orcs.

Letz end dis' puny manbeest!!! WAAAAAGH!

The Black Orc Warboss wipes the floor with the Beastlord and the Black Orcs finish off all but one beastman. They attempt to rundown but roll a 2 to his 11. LOLOLOL. :(

ORC & GOBLIN VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Greenies and Beasties... well, at least it means you're guaranteed a punch-up.

    Nice wristband, too.
