Monday, June 4, 2012

Gosford's Mek Shop - Tankbustas! 2.0

So I love my Orks more than anything in the world. However, I hate it when there is a unit as cool as the Tankbustas and no love whatsoever.So I have taken it upon myself to rewrite the rules for personal games with friends.

The current Glory Hogs rule really limits them to their true potential. Any right minded mech player is going to target or kite these guys leading them to their deaths long before they get anywhere or make any use of themselves. You CAN put them in a Looted Wagon or even a Battlewagon but you ideally want these guys across the field as soon as possible. Ideally, you want them in a trukk haulin' 19" up the table which would put them in a nice little garden of tanks! However, to do this you will have to sacrifice a turn lugging some boyz out of the truck, hoppin the Busta's in and then of course once you go over 13" (red) they are near useless for that turn as it is.

Soooo, back to footsloggin' them? Eek... Let's do this instead!
(This is in no way an official GW update to the Tankbusta rules.)

Enjoy :)

Tankbustas                          Points: Same as codex, pg 99


Special Rules
Mob rule, Furious Charge, Waaagh!

Glory Hogs: Tankbustas live for the really big kills and run extra hard to get them! Tankbustas gain the Fleet of Foot special rule anytime they are within 18” of an enemy vehicle. However, they may only use the Fleet rule in the direction of an enemy vehicle.  

‘Urry Up! Let’s Go!: Tankbustas are just too excited to sit around and properly prepare for battle. They are so impatient that they often forget to tie their shoes on tight. If a 1 is rolled for anytime a tankbustas unit runs, one of the orks trips on his shoelaces and his tankbusta weapon explodes D3+1” at S3. The ork who falls instantly dies. The controlling player may pick which unfortunate ork loses his life to poor shoe tying.

Tankbusta BombsSame as Codex, pg 42
Tankhammer: Same as Codex, pg 42
Bomb-Squigs:   Same as Codex, pg 42

In addition to having crap rules, they didn't have a special character to give their fluff even more purpose. So I wrote one....

Kommanda Torkaz                   Points: 115 Points


Special Rules
Mob Rule, Furious Charge, Waaagh!, Glory Hogs
Killer Precision: Some say Kommanda Torkaz was raised by Grots! Some say he even shoots like them! Others say he trains his boyz in the art of shooting! The  Tank Eataz  are well trained in the art of Rokkit launching. They share Trokaz’s Ballistic Skill of 3.

Laces Tight, Time to Fight!: Torkaz is said to be the meanest of all Tankbusta Kommanders. Some say he makes his Tank Eataz double knot their laces and sleep with their boots on! What a meanie! The Tank Eataz rarely trip on their laces and may reroll their ‘Urry Up! Let’s Go! roll of a 1.

Wargear: Kommanda Torkaz has Baneblade Arma’, Blatsthamma, Stikkbombs, Tankbusta Bombs, Bosspole, and a Rokkit Launcha

Baneblade Arma’: The legend of Kommanda Torkaz vs. the Baneblade is known by many and his armour proves the tale. Torkaz’s armour is made of the leftover debris of an Imperial Baneblade and confers a 3+ armour save.

Blasthamma!: Torkaz’s tankhammer “Blasthamma” has not one but TWO rokkits on it! Egads!!! Blasthamma is a master-crafted Tankhammer

(Torkaz may exchange Blasthamma for a Twin-Linked Rokkit Laucha for 10 points)

Pie Mines!: Units of  Tank Eataz  carry explosive mines that look like delicious pies! During the Movement Phase, a unit of Tank Eataz may drop D3 Pie Mines within 3” of the unit. The pies will remain in place for the remainder of the game or until triggered. Whenever a vehicle or jetbike (Eldar excluded) passes within 5” of the pie mines, they must roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, nothing happens. On a 3-6 the mine explodes for as many inches as the die was rolled at S8. If another mine is within the blast radius of the first mine, it may explode as well. Roll a D6 for each mine that is triggered by a Pie Mine blast.

Note: Only vehicles and non Eldar jetbikes are strong enough to set off the Pie Mines. However, anything within range of the explosion will take the hits.

Elites - Tankbustas
Unit Composition: 10-20
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Rokkit Launchas, Tankbusta Bombs
Special Rules: Furious Charge, Mob Rule, Waaagh!, Glory Hogs, ‘Urry Up! Let’s Go!
  • A Tankbusta Mob may include up to three 
    • bomb-squigs -  Same as codex, pg 99
  • Up to two Tankbustas may replace their Rokkit Launchas with:
    • Tankhammers -  Same as codex, pg 99
  • One Tankbusta may be upgraded to a Nob -  Same as codex, pg 99
  • Hey may replace his rokkit launcha with:
    • Power Klaw -  Same as codex, pg 99
  • Hey may take the following:
    • 'eavy armour -  Same as codex, pg 99
    • bosspole -  Same as codex, pg 99
Kommanda Torkaz:
  • Instead of a Nob, one mob may be led by:
    • Kommanda Torkaz - 115 pts.
      • Note: Kommanda Torkaz's Blasthamma does not count towards your maximum amount of Tankhammers. 


So here they are! Feel free to take these rules and use them in friendly games! Please comment below for feedback and how well they did on the field!

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