Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Kustom Fun! - Episode 1 - Waaagh! Gutzmek - Speed Freaks Supplement
Welcome to the first episode of Kustom Fun!, a series dedicated to homebrew rules designed with one thing in mine; FUN!!!
Tired of playing the same old thing? Are you a casual gamer who cares not for tournament play? Have you been waiting FOREVER for "Klan Tactics"? Well, the Kustom Fun series is right up your alley! Kustom Fun is a way to break a breath of fresh air into your super cool Ork army that has been dumbed down to a simpleton level.
Notice: All Kustom Fun rules and features are all fan made and in no way officially associated with Games Worshop. All Kustom Fun posts should be played with the consent of your opponent and should be used as a new and flavorful way to play your Orks. Have fun!
Note: This supplement requires both Codex: Orks (2008), Codex: Orks (2014), Imperial Armour 8: The Raid for Kastorel-Novem and Waaagh! Ghazhkull (2016) to play.
Tired of playing the same old thing? Are you a casual gamer who cares not for tournament play? Have you been waiting FOREVER for "Klan Tactics"? Well, the Kustom Fun series is right up your alley! Kustom Fun is a way to break a breath of fresh air into your super cool Ork army that has been dumbed down to a simpleton level.
Notice: All Kustom Fun rules and features are all fan made and in no way officially associated with Games Worshop. All Kustom Fun posts should be played with the consent of your opponent and should be used as a new and flavorful way to play your Orks. Have fun!
A Speed Freaks Supplement
Note: This supplement requires both Codex: Orks (2008), Codex: Orks (2014), Imperial Armour 8: The Raid for Kastorel-Novem and Waaagh! Ghazhkull (2016) to play.
WAAAGH! GUTSMEK (Speed Freaks)
Waaagh! Gutsmek Special Rules
This Detachment must include at least one Core choice. For each Core choice you must include between 1 and 10 Auxiliary choices (in any combination) and up to one Command choice. Only the datasheets listed here may be included in this Detachment.”
Waaagh! Gutsmek Special Rules
Euphoria - An Ork unit that disembarks from a fast vehicle is considered Fearless for a full game turn. In addition, all Orks have the fleet special rule on the turn they disembark from a fast vehicle.
Red Engines - All Trukks have have the Red Paint vehicle upgrade at no additional cost. In addition, all warbikes and deff-koptas may re-roll failed charge distances during a Waaagh!
Evil Sunz of Anorky: If an army contains two or more Kult of Speed formations and no Speed Freaks formations, then all models on a Warbike gain D3 Hammer of Wrath hits with the Rending special rule.
Da Gas Gitz: If an army from this detachment contains 2 or more Speed Freaks formations, all Trukks may be taken at no cost and Battlewagons may be taken at half cost.However, all Ork upgrades must be paid for normally, unless another rule states otherwise.
Da Fast Basterdz: If an army contains both the Kult of Speed formation and the Speed Freaks formation, then all Ork trukks may be taken as dedicated transports at no cost. However, all Ork upgrades must be paid for normally, unless another rule states otherwise. In addition, all models on a Warbike gain the Rending special rule on their Hammer of Wrath attacks.
Red Engines - All Trukks have have the Red Paint vehicle upgrade at no additional cost. In addition, all warbikes and deff-koptas may re-roll failed charge distances during a Waaagh!
Evil Sunz of Anorky: If an army contains two or more Kult of Speed formations and no Speed Freaks formations, then all models on a Warbike gain D3 Hammer of Wrath hits with the Rending special rule.
Da Gas Gitz: If an army from this detachment contains 2 or more Speed Freaks formations, all Trukks may be taken at no cost and Battlewagons may be taken at half cost.However, all Ork upgrades must be paid for normally, unless another rule states otherwise.
Da Fast Basterdz: If an army contains both the Kult of Speed formation and the Speed Freaks formation, then all Ork trukks may be taken as dedicated transports at no cost. However, all Ork upgrades must be paid for normally, unless another rule states otherwise. In addition, all models on a Warbike gain the Rending special rule on their Hammer of Wrath attacks.
COMMAND 1-2 per Core
Auxiliary 1-10 per Core
- Wazdakka Gutsmek (Codex: Orks 2008), Zhadsnark Da Rippa (IA8), or a Warboss on the Blitz Bike.
- Wazdakka Gutsmek, Zhadsnark Da Rippa, or a Warboss on a Warbike.
- Wazdakka Gutsmek, Zhadsnark Da Rippa, or a Warboss on a Warbike.
- Big Mek
- Painboy
- 3-5 mobs of Nob Bikerz
All models in this formation must be on a Warbike. This formation cannot contain more than 1 Wazdakka Gutsmek or Zhadsnark Da Rippa.
Special Rules
Pedal Puncherz: Models in this formation that Turbo Boost may still fire their weapons as normal.
Skilled Riderz: This formation has the Skilled Rider special rule.
Oddboyz - 1 Weirdboy, Painboy, Mek or Big Mek
Kult of Speed
- Warboss on Bike
- 4 Mobs of Warbikes
- 1+ Mob s of Nob Bikerz
- 1+ Squadrons of Warbuggies
All Warbuggies must begin the game in reserves.
Special Rules
*Quikk-Fire: All models in this formation may shoot and then flat-out or flat-out and then shoot.
*Straight-away: A Kult of Speed unit may move unlimited distance in a straight line during the movement phase and counts as having turbo-boost and jinked, but may still fire their weapons normally during the shooting phase on the turn it arrives from reserves.
Speed Freaks
- Warboss
- Big Mek or Painboy
- 6-9 Mobs of Ork Boyz
- 1+ Mobs of Nobz
- 1+ Squadrons of Warbuggies
All models in this formation must take a Trukk as a dedicated transport and must begin the game in it.
Special Rules
*Trakked: All Trukks in this formation have the reinforced ram upgrade at no additional cost.
AUXILIARY FORMATIONS See Waaagh! Ghazghkull for Auxiliary Formation rules.
- Blitz Brigade
- Air Armada
- Dakka Jet Skwadron
- Blitza-Bommer Skwadron
- Burna-Bommer Skwardon
- Speshulists
- Speed Freaks
- Runtz
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Fixin' Thingz: Ways to make Codex: Orks fun again!
I have had many discussions with other 40k players at my FLGS about the sad state of the Ork Codex. Most of the discussions end with everyone agreeing that it is bland and massively under-powered.
Army Special Rules
'Ere We Go - If every model in a unit has this special rule, the unit can re-roll a single dice when determining its charge range. In addition, models with this special rule may re-roll 1's when running and when moving through cover.
Da Toughest (new!) - Models with this special rule have the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule.
Melee Weapons
Buzzsaw - Master Crafted Power Klaw (30 pts)
Available to Warboss, Nob Squad, Big Mek.
Choppa - as is...
Big Choppa - +2S AP5, Melee, Two-Handed, Rending on charge.
Mega-Choppa - as is...
Grabba-Stikk - Reduce Opposing Challenger initiative by D3.
Grot-Prod - Keep as normal. Add an exploding 6's mechanic.
Killsaw - keep as is...
Power Klaw - keep as is...
Dread Klaw - Power Klaw w/ Shred & Armourbane on the charge.
Deff Dreads Only
Kan Klaw - keep as is...
Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork) - S10 Ap1, Concussive, (Strength D on the Charge)
Tankhammer - S10 Ap D3 (1/2/3), Backfire (Backfire: A model who rolls Ap1 for it's weapon Ap is removed from play after the Initiative 1 step if any of the wielders attacks manage to pen or wound. Casualties from backfire count towards combat results)
'Urty Syringe - keep as is...
Weirdboy Staff - keep as is...
Bigbomm - keep as is... + add Pinning.
Big Zzappa - 48" S4 Ap4 Heavy D6, Haywire
Bubblechukka - keep as is...
Dakkagun - keep as is...
Deff Kannon - keep as is...
Deffgun - two profiles
- Dakka Dakka Dakka! - 48" S7 Ap4, Heavy D3
- Dukk, ya gitz!! - 48" S7 Ap4, Heavy 2D6, Pinning, Snapsot
Deffstorm-Mega Shoota - Make Twin-Linked and add Rending.
Grot Blasta - keep as is...
Grotzooka - keep as is...
Kannon - keep as is...
Killkannon - Make S8 Ap3, Large Blast Ordinance
Kombi-Weapons - keep as is...
Kustom Mega-Weapons - keep as is...
Kustom-Mega Blasta - Make Rapid Fire.
Lobba - keep as is...
Rokkit Launcha - keep as is...
Shokk Attack Gun - Make Strength D Vortex on a 5/5, 5/6, 6/6.
Slugga - keep as is...
Shoota - keep as is...
Big Shoota - keep as is...
Supa Shoota - keep as is...
Smasha Gun - keep as is...
Snazzgun - Make Twin-linked
Supa-Gatler - keep as is...
Supa-Rokkit - keep as is...
Tellyporta Blasta - Make 18" & Strength D vortex on double 1's or double 6's.
Traktor Kannon - keep as is...
Zzap Gun - 30" S4 Ap4 Heavy D3, Haywire
Burna Bomb - keep as is...
Burna - keep as is...
Skorcha - keep as is...
Skorcha Missile - add Soul Blaze
Stikkbombs - 6" S3 Ap-, Blast, Concussive. Stikkbombs also count as assault grenades.
Stikkbomb Chukka - 12" S3 Ap-, Heavy 3, Blast, Concussive.
RUNTS & SQUIGS - no changes...
Ammo Runt - keep as is...
Attack Squig - revert back to +1 Attack.
Bomb Squig - keep as is...
Grot Oiler - keep as is...
Grot Orderly - keep as is...
Squig-Hound - keep as is...
Bosspole - keep as is...
Cybork Body - 10pts per model - +1 to Feel No Pain.
Available to Warboss, Big Mek, Painboy, Nob Squad, Flash Gitz only.
Waaagh! Shield (New!) - 10 pts - A Waaagh! Shield confers a 5++. Must take up right or left hand. Does not confer extra attack for two weapons.
Available to Warboss, Nobz, Big Mek
Dok's Tools - A unit with Dok's Tools receives a +1 to it's Feel No Pain.
Targeting Squig (formerly Gitfinda) - A model with a Targeting Squig has +1 BS but it's ranged weapons have the Get's Hot! special rule. No more standing still. Get's Hot represents the the Targeting Squig attacking the bearer.
Kustom Force-Field - As is... Adjust distance to 12".
Mek's Tools - keep as is...
Rokkit Packs - 20pts.- keep as is...
Available to Warboss, Painboss, Big Mek.
*No mega-armoured units
*No Shokk Attack Guns
*No KFF's
Waaagh! Banner - 15 pts - A unit with a Waaagh! Banner and any unit within 6" of the banner may run and charge in the same turn.
Krumpin' Banner - 15 - (formerly Waaagh! Banner) The unit receives +1 Weapon Skill.
Da Banner of Armageddon - 40 pts - Relic - The unit and all units within 12" may re-roll failed pinning and morale tests and gain the Crusader special rule.
Warbike - keep as is...
Squig Blood - 20pts. - A Painboss with Squig Blood will allow him and his unit to re-roll Feel No Pain rolls of a 1.
'Eavy Armour - Reduce points to 3.
Mega-Armour - keep as is...
Busta-Armour - 5+ (3++ against Frag, Krak & Exploding Vehicles)
Tankbustas only.
Snazz-Armour - 4+/6++
Flash Gitz only...
'Ard Case - keep as is...
Boarding Plank - keep as is...
Deff Rolla - 20 pts. - A model ramming with a Deff Rolla causes D3 S9 Ap2 hits. If the vehicle being rammed fails to explode, the model ramming also takes D3 S9 Ap2 hits against it's front armour. A model tank-shocking with a Deff Rolla causes D6 S9 Ap3 hits against a unit that fails to get out of the way or fails to stop the Battlewagon during Death or Glory.
Attack Squig - revert back to +1 Attack.
Bomb Squig - keep as is...
Grot Oiler - keep as is...
Grot Orderly - keep as is...
Squig-Hound - keep as is...
Bosspole - keep as is...
Cybork Body - 10pts per model - +1 to Feel No Pain.
Available to Warboss, Big Mek, Painboy, Nob Squad, Flash Gitz only.
Waaagh! Shield (New!) - 10 pts - A Waaagh! Shield confers a 5++. Must take up right or left hand. Does not confer extra attack for two weapons.
Available to Warboss, Nobz, Big Mek
Dok's Tools - A unit with Dok's Tools receives a +1 to it's Feel No Pain.
Targeting Squig (formerly Gitfinda) - A model with a Targeting Squig has +1 BS but it's ranged weapons have the Get's Hot! special rule. No more standing still. Get's Hot represents the the Targeting Squig attacking the bearer.
Kustom Force-Field - As is... Adjust distance to 12".
Mek's Tools - keep as is...
Rokkit Packs - 20pts.- keep as is...
Available to Warboss, Painboss, Big Mek.
*No mega-armoured units
*No Shokk Attack Guns
*No KFF's
Waaagh! Banner - 15 pts - A unit with a Waaagh! Banner and any unit within 6" of the banner may run and charge in the same turn.
Krumpin' Banner - 15 - (formerly Waaagh! Banner) The unit receives +1 Weapon Skill.
Da Banner of Armageddon - 40 pts - Relic - The unit and all units within 12" may re-roll failed pinning and morale tests and gain the Crusader special rule.
Warbike - keep as is...
Squig Blood - 20pts. - A Painboss with Squig Blood will allow him and his unit to re-roll Feel No Pain rolls of a 1.
'Eavy Armour - Reduce points to 3.
Mega-Armour - keep as is...
Busta-Armour - 5+ (3++ against Frag, Krak & Exploding Vehicles)
Tankbustas only.
Snazz-Armour - 4+/6++
Flash Gitz only...
'Ard Case - keep as is...
Boarding Plank - keep as is...
Deff Rolla - 20 pts. - A model ramming with a Deff Rolla causes D3 S9 Ap2 hits. If the vehicle being rammed fails to explode, the model ramming also takes D3 S9 Ap2 hits against it's front armour. A model tank-shocking with a Deff Rolla causes D6 S9 Ap3 hits against a unit that fails to get out of the way or fails to stop the Battlewagon during Death or Glory.
Extra Armour - keep as is...
Grabbin' Klaw - keep as is...
Mek Shields (Formerly Ramshackle. Now an upgrade.) - 5 pts. - A vehicle armed with Mek Shields may treat any Penetrating Hit as a Glancing Hit on the roll of a 6+ or a 5+ if there is a Weirdboy on the table.
Flyboss - keep as is...
Grot Riggers - keep as is...
Red Paint Job - 5 pts. - Vehicle moves and additional D6" when moving flat out and adds +1 Strength when Ramming, both dealing ram damage and receiving.
Reinforced Ram - keep as is...
Stikkbomb Chukka - moved to ranged weapons...
Wreckin' Ball - as is... Add concussive.
Frazzle - keep as is...
Grabbin' Klaw - keep as is...
Mek Shields (Formerly Ramshackle. Now an upgrade.) - 5 pts. - A vehicle armed with Mek Shields may treat any Penetrating Hit as a Glancing Hit on the roll of a 6+ or a 5+ if there is a Weirdboy on the table.
Flyboss - keep as is...
Grot Riggers - keep as is...
Red Paint Job - 5 pts. - Vehicle moves and additional D6" when moving flat out and adds +1 Strength when Ramming, both dealing ram damage and receiving.
Reinforced Ram - keep as is...
Stikkbomb Chukka - moved to ranged weapons...
Wreckin' Ball - as is... Add concussive.
Frazzle - keep as is...
'Eadbanger - Make 2 ranks
Da Jump - keep as is...
Killbolt - keep as is...
Power Vomit - Add Torrent.
Da Krunch - Warp Charge 2 - 36" S7 Ap3 Blast, Krunch!
- Rank 1 - Warp Charge 1- 'Eadbanger is a focussed witchfire power with a range of 24". The target must pass a Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. In addition, the Weirdboy must also take a single Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour saves or cover saves allowed.
- Rank 2 - Warp Charge 2 - 'Eadbanger is a focussed witchfire power with a range of 24". The target must pass two Toughness tests or suffer 2 Wounds with no armour or cover saves allowed. In addition, the Weirdboy must also take a single Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour saves or cover saves allowed.
Da Jump - keep as is...
Killbolt - keep as is...
Power Vomit - Add Torrent.
Da Krunch - Warp Charge 2 - 36" S7 Ap3 Blast, Krunch!
- Krunch!: After the initial Krunch! is resolved, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, make a second Krunch! with the Strength lowering by 1 and the Ap value raising by 1. If a 1 is rolled for any additional Krunch!'s, have your opponent choose an Ork unit to place the blast template on. Continue rolling for more Krunch!'s until a 2-4 is rolled or the Strength is lowered below 1.
Unit Changes
Ork Boyz - Drop Ld value down to 6.
Boyz Nob - Change name to Scar Boy, drop Ld. to 6.
Grots -
- Scrappers - A Grot unit in base contact with an enemy vehicle may inflict D3 Haywire hits against the vehicle. Remove a number of grots from play equal to twice the number of hull points successfully taken. Excess wounds against grots do not spill over onto the Runtherd.
Battlewagons - Allow Battlewagons to take Mek Gunz at a reduced transport capacity of 6.
Killa Kans
- Remove Cowardly Grots.
- Allow option to replace klaw with second ranged weapon at additional cost
Deff Dread
- Squadrons of 3
- 'Ere We Go
Gorkanaut - 250
- Make Super Heavy
- +1 WS
- May Replace Deffstorm Megashoota with a second Klaw for free (adds Rage special rule)
- Make 2 Rokkits Twin-Linked...because it's modeled that way...
- Make Super Heavy
- KFF included at no cost
- Make 2 Rokkits Twin-Linked...because it's modeled that way...
- May Replace Kustom-Mega Kannon with a Big Zzappa
Ramshackle - If a Trukk suffers a Wrecked! or Explodes! result, roll on the Ramshackle table below and apply the results instead of the usual effects. If the Trukk suffers more than one Wrecked! or Explodes! result, roll one die per result on the Ramshackle Table, but only apply the lowest result.
- Kaboom! - 1 - The Trukk Explodes, catapulting flaming debris and stunned Orks in all directions. The Trukk suffers an Explodes result but the passengers only take S3 hits instead of S4. Surviving passengers must make an emergency disembark move and take a Pinning test.
- Kareeen!! - 2-3 - The Trukk moves 3D6" in a random direction and then suffers a Kaboom! result.
- Kerrunch!!! - 4-5 - The Trukk suffers a Wrecked result. However, the passengers make a normal disembarkation instead of an emergency disembark.
- Floor It!!!! - 6 - The Trukk moves 3D6" in any direction chosen by the player. If the model comes into contact with any unit or building. Immediately disembark the Ork unit and then the unit or building hit by the Trukk takes 2d6 S5 Ap5 Armourbane hits.
Mob Rule - The Leadership of the unit is based on the number of modes in the unit, to a maximum of 10. In addition, a unit ranging from 15-20 gain the Stubborn special rule. A unit ranging from 21-30 gain the Fearless special rule.
Trukk DT for EVERY Ork Infantry unit except Storm Boyz.
Klan Formations & Detachments
Unit Additions
Painboss - 65 pts.
5 2 5 5 3 4 4 9 6+
Wargear: Slugga, Dok's tools, Stikkbombs, 'Urty Syringe
Special Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Independent Character, Mob Rule, Da Toughest
5 2 5 5 3 4 4 9 6+
Wargear: Slugga, Dok's tools, Stikkbombs, 'Urty Syringe
Special Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Independent Character, Mob Rule, Da Toughest
May take ’eavy armour: 4 pts
May take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork lists.
Wazdakka Gutsmek - HQ - 180 pts.
5 2 5 6 3 3 4 9 4+
5 2 5 6 3 3 4 9 4+
Wargear: Slugga, Power Klaw, Kustom Mega-Kannon, Stikkbombs, Twin-Linked Dakkagun, Warbike of the Aporkalypse,
Special Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Independent Character, Mob Rule, Da Toughest, Exhaust Cloud, Hammer of Wrath, Jink, 1st or Last
1st or Last - Wazdakka may only join units entirely composed of models riding Warbikes.
Warbike of the Aporkalypse - The Warbike of the Aporkalypse grants all models with Warbikes the ability to re-roll 1's when jinking so long as Wazdakka is alive. In addition, Wazdakka and any Warbiker unit he joins may Jink and fire all ranged weapons at normal Ballistic Skill.
Special Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Independent Character, Mob Rule, Da Toughest, Exhaust Cloud, Hammer of Wrath, Jink, 1st or Last
1st or Last - Wazdakka may only join units entirely composed of models riding Warbikes.
Warbike of the Aporkalypse - The Warbike of the Aporkalypse grants all models with Warbikes the ability to re-roll 1's when jinking so long as Wazdakka is alive. In addition, Wazdakka and any Warbiker unit he joins may Jink and fire all ranged weapons at normal Ballistic Skill.
Dread Boss - HQ - 115 pts.
WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type Unit Composition
5 2 6 13 12 10 3 4 3 Vehicle (Walker) 1 Dread Boss
Wargear: Four Power Klaws
Special Rules: Waaagh!, 'Ere We Go!, Kan Boss
May take any of the following:
- Grot riggers 10 pts
- Extra armour 10 pts
- Waaagh! Shields 10 pts
Kan Boss: A model with the Kan Boss special rule may independently join or leave units of Killa Kans and Deff Dreads.
Warklaw - HQ - 185 pts.
WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type Unit Composition
6 2 7 13 13 11 4 5 4 Vehicle (Walker) 1 (Unique)
Wargear: Four Power Klaws, Twin-Linked Deffgun
Special Rules: Waaagh!, 'Ere We Go!, Kan Boss, Rampage
May take any of the following:
- Grot riggers 10 pts
- Extra armour 10 pts
- Waaagh! Shields 10 pts
-Tellyportaz - 15 pts
Kan Boss: A model with the Kan Boss special rule may only ever join units of other walkers.
Tellyportaz: A model with Tellyportaz gains the Deep Strike special rule. In addition, a unit with at least one model with the Tellyportaz special rule gains the Deep Strike special rule.
Squig Herdz - 45 pts.
3 |
1 per every 10 squigs
Squig - 3pts per Squig.
Herda - 6 pts. per Herda.
Herda - 6 pts. per Herda.
Special Rules:
- Rending (Squigs only)
- Feeding Frenzy
- Explodin' Squigs
- 'Ere We Go!
- Furious Charge (Herda Only)
Feeding Frenzy: A unit with the Feeding Frenzy special rule that wins combat, inflicts an additional D3 S3 Ap- Rending automatic hits against an enemy unit that does not run away. These hits are resolved at the end of the combat phase.
Explodin' Squigs!: Each time a squig dies, the attacking unit takes a single S3 Ap- automatic hit for each squig that is killed. These hits are resolved during the same initiative step and are treated as shooting attacks with the ignores cover special rule.
Looted Wagon (just put it back in the codex)
New Model Releases
Additional Mek Gunz sprue with Lobba, Kannon, and Zzap Gun (they did it for the Knight!)
Plastic Ghazghkull Model. He should be at least an inch taller than he is now.
Plastic Mega-Armoured HQ kit. Can make Mega-Armoured Warboss or Mega-Armoured Painboss.
Da Command Box - A box of various bits needed to make unique characters or just gear up your HQ's to your hearts content. Box should include a larger Rokkit-Pack for Warbosses.
Plastic Ghazghkull Model. He should be at least an inch taller than he is now.
Plastic Mega-Armoured HQ kit. Can make Mega-Armoured Warboss or Mega-Armoured Painboss.
Da Command Box - A box of various bits needed to make unique characters or just gear up your HQ's to your hearts content. Box should include a larger Rokkit-Pack for Warbosses.
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